
Please pay no attention to the fact I warned them ahead of time and made sure not to hit anything important.

No, you usually hit runways with guided ordinance designed to penetrate down to the concrete slabs beneath the top coat of asphalt which is far more difficult and time-consuming to fix. The Tomahawk cruise missile isn’t designed for that sort of application.

Surely* you’ve already seen this, but the comments below Gizmodo’s coverage of this incident are similarly flabbergasting and demoralizing. To paraphrase many, “The corporation can do what it wants because its policies say it can” and “These are cops, so you have no legal protection. Comply or get your head smashed

I’m not trying to detract from what you’ve said here, but I’d just like to highlight a major difference between these two situations. When the Republicans refused to appoint Obama’s appointments it had nothing to do with who he was trying to appoint. They were insistent on blocking everyone and nullifying the power of

That’s great for Russell Westbrook but Mike Trout is still the superior hitter by nearly every advanced metric

Now playing

QOTSA. A couple of versions of born to hula. Some Sunday afternoon relaxation music.

“This game would be a lot more fun with teammates”

So you’re saying he wouldn’t fit in with their culture?

Sounds similar to Penn Jillette.

The totally sincere and philosophically well-grounded conservative principle that local government is good when it means “states vs. fed” but bad when it means “cities vs. states”, endures. We should all be inspired by their commitment to this totally non-hypocritical point of view.

If we had universal healthcare and UBI I would quit my job in a second to pursue what I want to actually do but my husband is self employed and I make nearly twice what he does so I am stuck in a job I hate looking for chances for lateral moves to maybe make a little more money.

As a side note, I checked your posting history, and am not the slightest bit surprised to see you’re a brand-new poster whose first post is today, and the majority of your posts have been anti-immigrant or making fun of people for being pro-immigrant.

Right. Trying to restrict the uses of a GMI are ultimately self-defeating. Although, I wouldn’t be opposed to some tentative concessions to get more politicians on board with the idea. I first heard about idea years ago from Robert Anton Wilson, who wrote some very accessible essays on the topic. Here’s a good one.

Right! And moreover, it sets a standard for a minimum wage to compete against. That’s why some conservatives actually favor it, since the need for an arbitrary government standard and allows you to reduce entitlements that would be made redundant by a guaranteed minimum income. Both Nixon and Paul Ryan, of all

Wrong! There is a conservative argument for a guaranteed minimum income. It sets a standard against which a minimum wage competes rather than having it set arbitrarily by the government. Getting enough money to stay above the poverty line is not the life most people want. A GMI merely provides a safety net to keep

You have it backwards, Phil.

Basic income is really the only solution - if we don’t break the connection between a job and a livelihood we’re going to be in huge trouble.

Tough to do when it’s been empirically demonstrated that markets can’t manage these inherent externalities, therefore requiring government intervention, and we have a party in power who believes that any government intervention is socialism.