
So if I commit sexual assault, it might make sense that I shouldn’t be allowed to vote on sexual issues until I’ve served my time*. If I commit insurance fraud, similar logic could be used to prevent me from voting on financial issues, fine. But the argument isn’t about restricting specific aspects of voting based on

The first time I watched The Warriors was in high school or college before the director’s cuts became widely available. I just watch it again on the Blu-Ray I purchased and I was struck by how terrible all the additions were. The comic book intro and cuts are bad enough because they look terrible and  out of place,

This is neither the time nor the place to reference Cursive lyrics.

Nice to see Pete Davidson getting outside of his sketch comedy comfort zone

I heard they're playing some shows and released a new album, but I'd hardly call it a comeback. It's not like they left...

I’m in, if only for BDW:

Second video shows it shooting from 2-pt range and at an angle while hitting net.

I guess my counterpoint to this (and other comments about how we should trust the human brain over a computer) is that human brains are pretty “buggy” and tend to “freak out” in alarming ways as well. We fall for optical illusions; forget things alarmingly easily; get distracted, tired, or drunk; and learn all sorts

Are they going to do it like they bust places for selling alcohol?

I went to a film festival screening of Computer Chess (which I did not like) where the UW professor asked the director what he was thinking when he included a certain theme in the movie. The director replied that he hadn’t thought about it at all and that he really wasn’t sure that the theme was there, but the

I’m sure Chen was terrified for a few moments. Votto is an intense dude as it stands, I can only imagine how scary it would be to see him approaching you with a bat moments after you hit him with a projectile.

That one is great, but the book Prehistory of the Far Side introduced me to the captions swaps between the Far Side and Dennis the Menace:

100% this. Not only is this treatment monstrous (including letting inmates beat and torture each other) for even the most violent, unrepentant and confirmed criminals, we have a lot of people that get thrown in jail for minor offences and even some who we know did nothing. But because they were tagged with the

Incorrect: Luke Skywalker is the best Joker.

This is more unforgivable than leaving Mark Hamill off of your Joker list. I weep for your current and/or future offspring.

I’m really hoping it was just a mistake and not because they actually dislike Mark Hamill or don't know he was the Joker.

0. Luke Skywalker

How many of us left shifters play right handed guitar or play shooters on the PC? I feel like both of those things make your left hand more used to doing finger splits and pressing down with authority.