
Maybe she’s not on hormonal birth control. It screws with some people, and I can see what would be minor symptoms for a normal person being a challenge for an elite athlete in prime training.


This never came across as true love to me, at least not on Gwen’s part. I see it as a painful denial and intense floundering after the life she thought she’d have forever fell apart.

Breasts as sexual objects? Put that on a billboard. Breasts as life-giving milk to a newborn? You should be ashamed, cover that up and get the hell out you monster.

The baby will just be crying for those ten minutes, nonstop. A baby’s needs and its wants are the same thing. Crying is their only form of communication, and they don’t understand waiting because they don’t understand time. So the baby won't starve, but you can't explain that to him, because he's a baby.

Agreed. I have no children and don’t plan on it. But the idea that moms should have to feed their kids in a public bathroom is just gross.

Even better: Make that employee eat her lunch in the bathroom. You know, where people shit. I’m fairly anti-kid, but even I know that you shouldn’t have to feed your baby in there. Because your baby shouldn’t have to *eat* there.


It’s especially galling that people get their panties in a twist about something that was openly done for thousands of years. It's so weirdly regressive.

And this lady even uses the modesty blanket... not that she has to. But seriously, if it is about the ZOMG fear of nipples, with that giant blanket there, there is no risk of that.

Privacy. i don’t get it. But I’m not American and the US has a fucked up attitude to tits so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

Besides from the fact that she shouldn’t have to move, don’t they have dressing rooms in this bra shop? Why was their first suggestion a restroom? Most dressing rooms also have some kind of stool or bench to sit down.

I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?

Ya let’s have baby starving for no reason what so ever.

Are you me? Except no, I’m not 27. But also, yea, people with kids on strollers make me grouchy, and my friends who have kids must think I’m such a bitch because I am incapable of pretending to care - my friends 4 year follows me around like a puppy trying to get my attention, and I am just like, hey friend, your kid

I don’t like most children. I think they have bad personalities. Sick.

When I was in kindergarten I wrote my first book. It was about Charlie Brown. On one page, there were two boys making fun Charlie. On the next page was little Charlie Brown, arms raised in defiance, yelling back at the boys, “YOU FAGGOTS!!!”.

When I was ten, I paid my eight-year-old sister $20 to let me sit in the front seat of the car forever. She agreed because she didn’t know I was a swindler.

A lot of talk goes on in the New York media scene about who the stupidest bitch is. For Gawker Media’s 2016 Senior