Fireants will make little rafts out of their dead bodies during heavy rains
Fireants will make little rafts out of their dead bodies during heavy rains
I grew up near a coal plant and lived less than half a mile from the train that would pass several times a day. Hmmmmmmm
God it’d be so awesome to build a racecar
Damnit, why you gotta put all these intriguing cars on the slideshow. I got stuff to do today
A decent chunk of those Grenadiers must be here in Houston because I see them so often
I know I questioned the choice of color for your wheels before, but I take it all back. That thing is clean
I can say with certainty at least one is, my 2006 Charger. I tried to get it fixed when the recall came out but was told parts weren’t available. Every time I’d follow up, at various dealerships, I was always told the same. When the engine crapped out and I sold it to a mechanic I made it very clear that the recall…
Hell my F-150 has aluminum body panels so I’m basically on the same level as this douche
Alright, time to race one up Pike’s Peak
That she’s mine. By that I mean there was 2.7 miles on the odo when I bought her. About as unfarted in as you can get. Also letting the v8 sing is pretty cool
That GT40 video was awesome. “There’s a sand bank in the left side, do try and stay out of it.”
I opened the page this morning, but got caught up with end of the year stuff, so I finally read the article and submitted my vote at 12:28 pm CT. With my NP vote, the tally now sits at 50.1% NP, 49.9% ND lol
Apologies. Sometimes I have problems controlling my meat
To me, it’s gotta be the humble F-150. You can get it naturally aspirated with a v8, but then also a v6, with twin turbos, hybrid, electric, and at one point diesel. You can get it with a single cab, extended cab, four door, and with a bed ranging from 5' all the way to 8'. It’s whatever you want it to be
Hell, on sand it could be a huge difference maker
Thankfully no one was injured from their incompetence. Regarding their fortune, all I can say is, lol. lmao, even
Well they were preoccupied with the pop quiz they had to take in 8th grade math (wrong company but still)
Pointing and laughing tends to work for me