
Yeah, absolutely FUCK tornadoes. I’ve seen them once- three touched down almost simultaneously, two to the north and one to the south. I NEVER want to experience that again 

ughhhhh my horse’s ass of a new superintendent used that ad as a metaphor for himself... somehow idk I wasn’t listening 

What are you talking about? Audi never made cars after 2008 lmao

Both my appraiser and I were at a loss for words 

BRO. I had a student randomly announce that there were full episodes of SpongeBob on ph, and then proceeded to try and show anyone and everyone around him WHILE I WAS GETTING OBSERVED BY MY APPRAISER 

What a bunch of pissbabies 

And we were playing goldeneye on like 20 inch screens lmao

I also have that glorious red cartridge. I love it to death, but yeah it’s probably the worst version of it lmao


5300lbs?!?! That’s as much as my extended cab F-150

That dude more or less describes all of Montgomery county 

Bro just say you hate women 

I’m confused; how does the case of the 19 year old murdering people factor in?

It’s not even that; when it’s in traffic are those taillights/ blinkers going to be obscured by other cars? It’s why I hate when cars/ suvs have the blinkers on the rear bumper

Yup, just like what happened with that A&M professor who rightly identified dan patrick’s role in further exacerbating the opioid crisis in Texas. At least she was only temporarily suspended and still has her job, for now 

So happens when a student brings up abortion? Wtf is going on in this country 

Wait until you find out what’s been going on in the WH40k community ever since the release of the new Tyranid (Zerg-like creatures) models

We’ve already seen how this ends

What ‘entrenched interests’ of teachers are harming society?

Nah, he wants a convertible so the Solara is the way to go