
Following the conversation earlier today on NuvaRing, I think we should all take a giant step back from any mass media coverage of medical topics and breathe deeply before jumping to any conclusions. Katie Couric, Vanity Fair, the New York Times, etc all are vying for limited reader(viewer)ship which means that a lot

I am going to go back to read this whole thing. But my first reaction is, most people are not going to read Ms. Couric's blog post or go to the website. Some people in this country still cannot read beyond an elementary school level, and rely on information provided on TV to make decisions. (14% of adults read below a

The risk of thromboembolism for the average woman not on hormonal birth control is about 3-4/10,000. Hormonal birth control that contains estrogen (pills, patch and ring) increase that risk about 2-fold (to about 8/10,000). The Lidegaard study is poorly designed, but even if we accept that it shows an increased risk

Are you a birth control researcher? Is that why this is so important to you? Because...I am a researcher too! And I totally think it's acceptable for a woman to take birth control because being pregnant can be far worse!

I haven't read the full VF article because I'm not paying for it, but I did just read the study that someone else posted. I don't believe (FWIW) that the data suggests it should be pulled from market. Every medication has risks. It's been well known for decades that hormonal birth controls can cause emboli. Sometimes

I agree that it's a risk patients should know about, but it's not GIANT MURDER RING that the article summary suggests, and for many women, there are reasons they cannot take oral HBC that make the risk from NuvaRing still worth it for them. (And AFAIK, the risk of harm from the NuvaRing is still smaller than the risk

*crosses eyes* Ok, 56% increase compared to earlier progestin-based birth control pills - which means, what? (Because it's not just a 56% increase, which is what most people will read it as.)

This sounds like a real mental illness, not OMG GIRL LOL. I hope she gets some help.

I miss Roger Ebert so much. His reviews were not just reviews, they were art. Good for Chaz. I am so glad she's keeping the site going and honoring his memory like this.

Attorney with a stay-at-home husband here. A few thoughts:

My whole life I have compared men and their swoon worthiness to Christopher Plummer when he dances the ländler in the Sound of Music. Everyone fails.

I OBJECT, Liesl didn't do her, "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" That always gave me secondhand embarrassment, even as a kid!

If she were any more wooden, she could play a marionette in The Lonely Goatherd.

Oh Carrie.
I like your voice just fine, but your acting... Sweetie...

“Alcohol is a diuretic,” says Professor Oliver James, head of clinical medical sciences at Newcastle University. “It acts on the kidneys to make you pee out much more than you take in – which is why you need to go to the toilet so often when you drink.” In fact for every 1g of alcohol drunk, urine excretion increases

The problem with shows like this is that it greatly inflates the perception of risk by giving "balanced" and "equal" time to each "side." Whether or not Couric intends to, by giving equal time to people who believe (possibly incorrectly) that their child died from a vaccine to a position that says "this is totally the

Am I the only one who looks at this and sees DJ Uterus with Fallopian tube arms scratching two ovary records?

Apologies in advance, but I feel a need to say it:

The OP feels bad, realizes she made a mistake, and clearly doesn't want to give up the dog. I really don't think the OP is some frivolous person who thinks a dog is disposable based on what she's written here. She's doing what she can for the anal gland issue at this point. I realize others in this thread feel

leave poop on his front portch. EVERY. DAY.