
GoT nerd speaking here... actually Cersei's sex column would be horribly depressing. The only sex she's every enjoyed having is with Jaime, and that's only because she feels he's literally "her other half".

She thinks of all of her other sexual encounters as being either traumatic or boring - something she does only

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with struggling a bit with the complex feelings that arise when you're confronted with what your privilege really means. The important thing is that you talk about it with grace and compassion. (:

Fellow med student here.
Being a doctor is a HUGE part of my identity that requires so much dedication that I can't imagine having a partner who wasn't completely on board.
When someone talks about not wanting to date a woman because she is a doctor, I hear "I won't date a woman who doesn't laugh at my racist

I swear half the reason I married the guy I did was because he actually likes that I'm better at a lot of "manly" stuff than he is. I'd mostly dated women when I was younger and got used to that at least not being a problem in the relationship, and when I started dating some guys too I was shocked at how many were

Doesn't seem to bother this guy. I'm sure his wealth and royal bloodline helps soothe any injured manly pride, though.

Definitely not TMI! Thanks a lot for this, as I have been considering trying cups for YEARS but with a relatively massive upfront cost, it has been difficult to make the leap into the unknown. I tried the recycled organic tampons, and the stinky-leaky reusable pads, and after losing mega bucks on those attempts, I was

I've been using a MoonCup now for about three months now (3 total periods). I just moved to a place where tampons are not readily available, and maxi pads and I have a very tumultuous history, so I thought what the hell. I'd been wanting to try it, and this gave me a good push.

My local CVS and Walgreens just started carrying softcups and I am so glad. I would never have just bought a menstrual cup without trying a cheaper option like this first, especially since some woman with tilted uterus's do have pain with them, but it's sooooo much more comfortable then a pad or tampon, especially at

A little OT, but homeless shelters really appreciate it when ppl donate pads and tampons. Poor women often have to resort to makeshift pads of toilet paper from Macdonalds and the like. As if it didn't suck enough to be poor and homeless... Anyway, if you give things to homeless shelters and women's shelters, consider

I know every time I go to buy tampons they are shamelessly shilling those stupid plastic ones. I don't want the plastic ones, and yet they have them in many more varieties and package sizes, and I have to hunt around for the one regular box, and it's always available only as a giant 64-pack. What, like they're

If you are a cat person I recommend having at least one black cat at some point in your life. Maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, but every black cat that I've had has been absolutely sweet and loving and I need data to find out if it's an actual "black cat thing."

First class doesn't count. Real romanticism must be measured by where the regular people are riding. Obviously first class is going to be nice, that's why it's first class. That's also why a Greyhound bus is the least romantic place in the world except in a country song. It's just a ticket for a seat going somewhere,

My experience on the train in India as a young white woman would only be called romantic if your idea of romance is being stared at for hours by the group of men in your car. I don't know how they didn't pass out from boredom since I was just reading and looking out the window. I did see lots of interesting and

Concur. I'm definitely AGAINST making out furiously on public transit, but if someone is bothered by my pecking Mr. Chip on the lips when one of us has to get off the subway, then they're clearly a Grumpy McCrankypants.

I secretly love the couples on the bus...especially when one rests his/her head on their partner's shoulder. It makes my day. I'm not fond of groping but the little things are pretty adorable.

People who notice a couple giving each other a quick kiss on the lips, and notice it enough to have a negative reaction in relation to it are sad angry people.

Oh, but I thought that last week those of us who like the Pope and support the Church are basically supporting the sexual abuse of children? I seem to remember an article and at least a dozen threads of people frothing at the mouth (at me and many others) that if we liked and supported the Church, it was equivalent to

Miss Virgin Islands is going to break an ankle. She needs about 173,000 hours more ballet training before she does that in pointe shoes.

Anybody ever pull out a tampon and have it swing against the forward wall, leaving a stream of blood and chunks that you have to clean up? Now that's when "you really have to look at and interact with your fluid."