
As a developer... the concern is install base. You can only sell as many copies of a game as there are people to sell it to. While the Switch is exploding in popularity, it in no way, shape or form has the same install base yet as the 3DS. So smaller publishers have to consider that when they’re putting out new games.

I have several suggestions for what people can do with their hands on stage. I haven’t tested these, so I’d be happy to hear how these work out if anyone uses them.

Swiping a prototype was easier in the old days. Just take the disc (or cartridge) out of the system right at the end of the event, ideally during teardown, when all the booth people’s attention’s divided and haul. Ass.

Even ZA WARUDO has a time limit.

Who’s melted looking?

I really wish Iroquois Pliskin was in more games. Shame they got rid of such a great and compelling character so quickly.

I can only imagine Nicole Tan in tears, or at least I would have been if I was her. Developers are so underappreciated and I can only imagine what a personal thank you from someone on a worldwide broadcast must feel like.

Uh... did you just make a comparison between blacks in the 1950s to videogame characters that aren’t real?

  1. Make product

Heh, heh... you said “tit.”

well I’m glad these anime polygon boobs are being kept out of American so we can’t be corrupted by them. Now let’s all relax with some nice exploding heads and dismembered limbs in Fallout 4.

The man is a legend... of localization.

He also translated Mother 3

My personal favorite match is when Masahiro Sakurai (The creator and director of Smash Bros.) was doing a promotional thing, and somehow got into a sudden death in a stock match by killing himself and the other player at the same time. Link to the video.

I wonder if they might impose a one character per team limit ala TF2’s Highlander.

[Entire Ubisoft Team]: “Wait a second... you can just choose... NOT to run a franchise into the ground?”