redneckrob and his flock of Volvos

no kidding about the hard acceleration thing. there’s an onramp to a 6 lane highway I have to use that’s ridiculously short, it goes upwards to the highway, so it’s kinda hard to see oncoming traffic as youre rolling up, and sometimes theres a considerable amount of traffic on the highway, so it’s kinda hard deciding

yeah its definitely a “we sell it because we have to, not because we want to.” car... if i had to guess the main driver behind why they have it is to improve their overall fleet mpg to meet regulations.

Similar to the spark, I bought a bolt recently and was actually super surprised as to how much interior space it has. I’m only 5’10” by mid afternoon, but that car has a fuckton of headroom. I think the seat goes back a few more clicks too (and I usually sit pretty far back on the seat rails).

I’ll keep my 1937 Buick till the day I die.

pro-tip, if you do it by bike, it’s not always closed.

It’s probably something to do with pixels. It’s probably a 1920x720 display. Just happens to be 12.3” diagonal.

I’m gonna take a slight hot take here, and agree with you here that the screens are fine.

$150/month. back in 2o12 I bought a new focus manual hatchback. I paid most of it, and took out $5k loan over 36m at some low interest rate.

I dont think the lighting does it complete justice, but the car actually seems to have really good fore aft balance, and the way that the wheel arches flare, with the hard lines are actually imo pretty well done.... the blend from the flat surface above the wheels to the rest of the body is really fascinating,

for that, its worth considering the bolt. I picked up a 2020 with 20k miles for $13k all said and done.

it goes both ways, some motorists are complete dicks to road cyclists still.... as a very responsible user of the road, i do everything in my power in order to not affect drivers on the road. ill take less used roads and roads with bike lanes or massive shoulders and whatnot. honestly it’s gotten better over the

consumers just want more.

that’s disbursing weight away from the center.... for nimble handling, you want the weight to be as close to the center of the vehicle as possible.

freight trains arent acutally that great in the aerodynamics category. although the frontal surface area is very small in relation to the weight, they have a ton of surface friction from all the different surfaces that the air flows against. and there’s a LOT of surface on a freight train.

you and i agree on a lot of things, but this is where we disagree.

weight is a factor in acceleration, but it’s actually not gonna be the main factor for efficiency unless youre going up a steep hill, and youre fighting gravity.

... and i thought that was low... i just drove by a gas station this morning. and it was $4.50/gallon, and the 76 across the street was $4.90.

So close. It’s 13t not 13g.

You are correct. Rear doors and throttle body say 98.

I’d at least go look at it.