redneckrob and his flock of Volvos

i can understand the sentiment... Toyota did well with the hybrid systems and all, but starting around 2010 or so I feel like they just stagnated... they may have even gotten worse, I sat in a 2020 corolla (uber picked me up, and admittedly i wasnt in it for long) and the plastic all around was something else. it also

the ability to make you look cool amongst your instagram followers by revolving your entire personality around owning an overhyped midsize truck.


yeah. the long block and the way the trans extends under the frame rail means you have to fully drop the subframe to get to it.. definitely a little annoying if youve never done it before. that said, ive pulled enough of these things apart, that I can have the sub dropped and motor out in an hour and a half by myself.

i have a 98 s70. same seats, and I will say, between shape and material, they are insanely comfortable seats. and they stay super clean.

yeah i think the math is that if you graduated 15+ years ago, and youre driving a piece of shit car that your highschool self would have legitimately driven back then (or you still do), it’s probably a cig car

idk, valhalla felt like a HUGE map. i personally really enjoyed Odyssey. but i think that’s largely the open sea aspect of it.

CARB was originally saying something like 10/150,000 at 80%. IDK if that changed tho. I did see that auto manufacturers were pushing for 8/100,000 at 70%

I’ve seen a tumbleweed absolutely wreck a car back in 2018. I was driving back from picking up my car I left at my friends house up in tahoe (bike to work day, I rode my bike from Nevada to Morgan Hill CA, starting at 12:01am, and at work 10:30am - i was not very productive that afternoon... that weekend i rode my

If I’m in an unfamiliar area I always turn the satellite view on, so I can verify there’s actually a road there. When I’m on the computer (prior to a large trip or bike ride) I’ll drive questionable parts of the route on Google maps street view. It’s a must imo. Because maps will eventually route you thru some crazy

Collin, you may get a kick out of this.

400 miles in a day?


idk, tbh, it just looks like an engine bay without the plastic cladding. it seems like they chose to route everything over the engine, as opposed to under and around it.... hard to say without actually getting my hands in there, but if everything is accessible and straightforward enough to maintain, I dont see any

The NA motor you see here is stupid reliable. I wish I never sold mine.

that seems to be 6 miles/kwh. that’s pretty damn good. glad to see someone out there still pushing for efficiency.

unfortunately it’s VW, a major payday to the family will likely still be a drop in the bucket. in any case tho, I hope those parents get paid, because fuck VW.

either another $500 volvo if i could find one with low enough miles in a fixable condition....

instead of just having lanes, LA freeways are going to have lines painted across the lanes so they can have rows and rows of 11'x24' rectangles. and everyone can get their parking spots while sitting in traffic