redneckrob and his flock of Volvos

chargers tend to be lower priority than combustible fuels so gas stations have attendants who check up on the pumps every day vs the chargers just rely on someone taking the time to report it (thru the app).... the catch 22 is that someone trying to use the card reader likely doesnt have the app....

honestly this was exactly what I was thinking.... they could push the $14k negative equity off split between 2 cars. if they cant make payments, they could push all their payments to one car, and lose the other, but they wont lose their only car.

Kesterson says that Volvo customers usually pay cash for their vehicles”

damn... extension cord it is!

we have an EV, and we tend to get at least 10~15% more range than what the EPA states, so I can see the 48 miles for the bolt working out. efficiency on an EV is pretty much a direct correlation between resistance and energy used, whereas, a gas engine’s efficiency can fluctuate on rpm/load/gearing

well the laughable problem is that the simplest solution to charging back 100 miles faster, is add more cells, each cell can only charge back so fast, but if you double the number of cells, you should be able to charge back that 100 miles at twice the speed...... at the same time, a full charge will net you double the

we have a 1st gen ioniq, we get 65 miles overnight.... a leaf or bolt should be able to pull close to 50+ too.

we charge at home on 110v its been perfectly fine. as long as the car is small and efficient its not really an issue.

I’m gonna softly disagree. (Speaking for those who can charge at home)

best color is brown... and they’d sell dozens.

And at the same time gas cars burn about 1/2 gallon/hr just to spin even at 5mph. 

An additional project car my wife won’t complain about.

Idk. When we find “the car” especially an older one, it’s not uncommon to have multiple, especially if they’re cheap…. One to DD, one spare, one in the process of fixing up and a parts car….. right?

id be hard pressed to say its a “deal” because you end up giving up a lot of rights and personal protections that California has and other places dont....  holistically speaking, between earning potential, and the consumer protections we have here, Cali is damn hard to beat.

im surprised i had to scroll this far to see this

“yes, our next car is going to charge 0-100% in 2 minutes, have 10000 miles of range while towing two boats, with 9 people onboard, and cost only $20,000. we ask that you give us a deposit of $1000, and it will delver next month.” - Mlon Eusk.

right below the cupholder.... I dont love that... it sure does look clean tho.

Driving my father to the hospital for the last time.

2023 Prius....

lol... no issues on my end so far.... I did buy a car with a bad fuel pump for that reason tho, drained it, replaced, and it works like a champ.