I’m Swedish, I also bicycle everywhere, with or without hands on the steering wheel. That said, playing pokemon is pretty distracting.
I’m Swedish, I also bicycle everywhere, with or without hands on the steering wheel. That said, playing pokemon is pretty distracting.
Maybe not in your social circle, but clearly a ton of other people are still happily running (or driving...) around catching pokemon, otherwise we wouldn’t have this issue.
Cruising around on a bike with Pokemon Go sounds pretty darn dangerous, and not just to you either; crash into some old lady and you may have another person’s death on your conscience.
That’s basically the same sort of problem a lot of different types of artists end up facing. It is an art that requires a metric ton of practice, but it is so popular that half the world wants to do it. Thus, supply and demand screws people over. If you’re not on YouTube, Spotify, etc. you’re basically invisible due…
I do work there. I’m just a regular programmer though, one among hundreds. :)
Depends on your particular expertise as well though. Few here would be interested in an article about designing the code for a tool to set up environment colliders, but an article about the design decisions behind some game’s cover mechanics might interest some people.
Hello, I’m a game developer working at R*. Personally I’m happy to see someone as as down-to-earth and nice as Pewdiepie being one of the most successful YouTubers.
That was Stardew Valley.
“Thea: The Awakening is a turned-based strategic survival game inspired by the Slavic mythology [...]”.
Vampyr is the Scandinavian language’s word for Vampire. No suprise they’d be more badass, mixing Dracula blood with that of vikings must have made for one spicy coctail.
That was Sims 3 I think, and they actually broke that lifetime wish with Generations which made it borderline impossible to go James Bond (or Dracula!) on the chosen gender. ...without spending a lot of effort trying to avoid anyone else who has a crush on you.
A ~lot~ of people want to become artists. Fantastically good artists are difficult to replace. Moderately good ones are not.
Like someone said, there are attention seeking little kids out on the internet, so while the comment was about as tasteless as they come, posting it on Twitter seems rather pointless. What good could it possibly do? The people writing those comments aren’t going to stop because they are being called out. If anything…
Even so Illaoi still has a perfectly proportional face. She may not be ‘sexy’, but she sure has an impressive apperance.
Egalitarian can mean the same thing as feminist to some people, but both words have their own history.
I sometimes wind some people up by playing odd champions in odd positions, or ignoring failing lanes as a jungler. The worst I’ve gotten was ONE warning which happened after I failed epically and I believe two juvenile premades from both sides reported me for ‘being trash’. (For the record, I’ve made it to Gold)
What one person may feel is sportsman-like banter another may find to be rude and provocative. Someone saying “GG EZ” every time they kill their opponent may not be shouting slurs, but doing it all the time will still piss of their opponents (or even teammates).
That sort of thing depends a lot on what game engine you’ve built/bought. Besides a lot of companies will have hacky solutions which won’t work when you change platform. Heck, you’ve probably seen tons of games which work poorly just because you’re using a different Processor.