
It’s simple. Luxury pricing. It costs nowhere near the retail price. At all. But that goes for all luxury products - including watches.

So having warning triangles in the car isn’t mandatory in California?

For the love of god, people! PLEASE stop recording video in portrait mode! And if you do record something in portrait mode, don't switch to landscape mode halfway through the video!

Yep, pretty much just like how the top 10 percent of income earners pay 68 percent of the income taxes.

Front of the plane pays for the back of the plane.

You can thank the people flying in these suites for keeping air travel affordable for the rest of us.

Hello everyone!

I do not approve of this at all.

Totally shameless self promotion. Here's a shot I got from Dublin, Ireland right as it was at its maximum. Really happy considering it was cloudy right up until then.

That's pretty ingenious.

yeah i'm sure that'll work


Earth's slow axial "wobble" also means the "North Star" - currently Polaris - won't be the North Star forever. In fact, it wasn't always the North Star in history, either.

For anyone saying that YYZ is a shout out to Rush, note that in fact the song YYZ is Rush's shout out to the airport. The story behind it is pretty awesome, actually. The airport would (and still might) broadcast its identification code in Morse code. In Morse code, Y,Y,Z is: - . - -, - . - -, —..

I watched ST:TOS in first run in the '60s and loved it; Spock was always my favorite character. That said, let's not forget Leonard's numerous other contributions, not least Never Forget, a powerful 1991 drama about holocaust deniers.

To someone my age, this is a biggie. A real biggie.

Sony cannot infringe your rights, only the government can infringe upon your rights granted by the Constitution.

Nothing quite like an astronaut-selfie to make you shut up and realize your own insignificance.

that's because no one on earth takes good selfies.