It’s becoming clear that our Nation is replete with selfish, dangerous morons who make terrible choices.
It’s becoming clear that our Nation is replete with selfish, dangerous morons who make terrible choices.
NO! Give me Wedges or give me death!
They’ll definitely let you know in Germany. Flashing lights when they’re further back, then once they’re on you they turn on their left blinker to let you know they can’t go left so you need to go right. Love driving over there.
What is this? Facts? Who does this in this day and age?
Right, so the reason behind this is that the US has a visa waiver with most countries (which Europe is helpfully thinking of rescinding because our current Cheetolini keeps fucking up our own visa waivers for their citizens) and that stamp or ticket you get when entering most of those countries is for — wait for it — n…
I have a feeling that missing the World Cup and losing out on the wave of soccer enthusiasm it brings through the country is gonna be a huge blow. The sport certainly won’t gain new fans, which means it will lose profitability as a venture and the suits will be like “Eh why bother.”
3 wins, 3 draws, 4 losses. Yeah, that goal was a phantom, but this team’s quality is a phantasm. We’re out on merit.
Despite the accusations, this list is not an excuse to troll Pluto, which as New Horizons showed us is unexpectedly awesome. But it’s not a planet. (I enjoyed and recommend this book about it.)
I’d like to add that in addition to remaining comfortably seated while you wait, you should also loudly mock the standing idiots with rhetorical questions like “where the fuck do these people think they’re going?” and “why the fuck are you getting your shit out of the overhead already?” and “do you think they moved…
Isn’t it sort of ridiculous that actually enforcing our immigration laws is supposed to be some sort of outrageous cruelty?
I’m one of those people that uses donated bodies for education purposes. Med device companies like my own will perform labs for physicians to practice their skills on the particular body part. We order a specimen and bring them to offices, surgical centers or labs for practice. Then we send them back.
Just think, if Scalise had his way, Griner’s wife would not have been able to immediately visit her in the hospital or inherit her estate if things had turned out even worse.
Well they could always ship the children then...
Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?
This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I…
To complete the list, indicate your acceptance that all the things for which you are grateful, could be taken away, and that it’s better to enjoy them now, as now, you are operating on the good humor of (the gods). My gods are Science, Luck, and Chaos. What I have, who I have for friends, I don’t necessarily merit.…
I referred to a couple guys as “hipsters” the other day and boy did they get upset. Apparently the politically correct term is “conjoined twins”.
I work in VFX and we regularly add in chormatic abberation because otherwise our comps look like comps. Our eyes have learned to notice when chromatic abberation exists and reject when it’s absent in places it should exist. So there’s something to be said for keeping it in your photos.