
One of the most amazing parts of the Shackleton story is that of Frank Hurley, the photographer who captured the images of the ill fated adventure. Without Frank, no images of Endurance getting crushed in the ice, or of anything else from that expedition would exist. Here is a link to info about him. Unbelievable

Aptera! Though it actually looks they have gotten some money and might have been brought back from the almost dead.

Aside from the facebook account requirement, this is an entertaining piece of tech. The only issue I have with it is the lack of very many two-player local collaborative games like Minecraft. I would like to get one for my wife so we can play together as she is starting to enjoy gaming, but sharing a sweaty headset

I’m Ready!

Fashion statement aside.. this guy is a tool. What is with this mentality of “just because it isn’t specifically illegal I can do whatever I want no matter who gets hurt” and “oh sorry, you got shot”?

Vertical video is another sure sign of our collective doom.


Now playing

This is the “shape of things to come”!

Remake.. Remake...Remake... I’m tired of this, if I want to see the great movies, I’ll watch the real version.  Please film world people, I beg you, please, do something new and original.

Love the word “Electroleatcher”, the typo sounds way more metal than their name for that AirPods charging pouch.

Speaking of Venus, here’s a shot I got of the transit back in 2012 using telescope projection. Venus is the black dot above the airplane wing.

Add “Isle of Dogs” to the list.  It is a beautifully done movie and the art book is great.

Add “Isle of Dogs” to the list.  It is a beautifully done movie and the art book is great.

Hmm.. maybe I’d do this if it was possible to pick the person to exsanguinate and steal their youthful life force!

Now playing

That thought reminds me of Sam Kinisan’s take on world hunger.

Got it, my bad, didn’t read close enough.. happy puffing, just stay away from that other vaping crap.. it is bad news.

Got it, my bad, didn’t read close enough.. happy puffing, just stay away from that other vaping crap.. it is bad

Good morning Shep,

Good morning Shep,

I prefer the simple “look at the address, find it on the map and leave it there on your way to work” method. It is a nice thing to do and it might make someone’s day if whatever they ordered was needed quickly.

Well crap, I’ve got tickets to see Weird Al in May. I wish they would schedule these things a little further out.

This story makes me think of one of my favorite photographers, Weegee (Arthur Fellig). In 1938 he was the only NY reporter allowed to carry a police shortwave radio and also had a complete darkroom in the trunk of his car. His photographs are stark, but they also tell the story of a crime scene or dramatic event in

My questions for her: What would your mother think? Would your family be proud of you getting “famous” this way?