
Expensive carmaker CEO says cheap cars aren’t coming any time soon.

17% want full time, a third want part time. Presumably the rest don’t want any.

“You can’t manage people properly without the human element” - All the middle managers who are terrified they might need to get real jobs now that we’ve proven their cushy jobs are mostly useless.

Wow.  Who shit in your Cheerios this morning?

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Excellent point. On a similar note, I was thinking of the other elephant in the room :

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A bit surprised this one hasn’t come up yet.

Nope. If you left it to the engineers, all bolts for everything would be exposed and easy to reach. However the designers... those artsy people who create the shape of the vehicle, they have no idea there is even an engine in there. It’s their fault not ours.

Boba Fett riding a rancor into battle is the coolest shit ever.

Mercedes in Jurassic Park - Lost World. I mean, every one loved the destroyed Ford Explorer. It single highhandedly saved the reputation of every square-headlight Jeep. But a bunch of faux-modded suburban cruisers? Pass. I mean, we could except that science created dinosaurs with frogs, transporting a T-Rex in LA, but

So you’re saying you ignore all stoplights and stop signs then? Because not all stoplights and stop signs are 100% effective 100% of the time at stopping wrecks, I’m therefore assuming you believe its your right to ignore them completely as being useless.

It’s not just the US. We’ve got a convoy of idiots protesting all vaccine mandates that started out as a protest against vaccine mandates for truckers. Because freedom or something.

If people had actually gotten vaccinated when the shot was made available, the variants may never have happened at all.

Oh, we do have the bridges inspected. They’re usually flagged as dangerous and then just nothing happens.

I had a 1995, 2.2L, 5 speed, 2wd Chevy S-10 that was unkillable. I bought it at 200,000 miles and a few years later, a brake line blew and I rear-ended a van. Pulled the front straight and kept running it. A few years later, I hit a cow. True story, the bastard was about 800 lbs. We put a junkyard rad, hood and

It is way too easy to get your driver’s license in this country. We need laws that requires more skills behind the wheel and actually keep checking our driving skills well into old age. Just one day of driving around Florida will demonstrate the need for better driver training for new and older drivers. 

And that...obviously.  Mostly they just stay locked up in a safe offsite from my home.  

Yeah, the normal responsible firearm owners always get shit on when things like this happen. We need stricter gun control to keep firearms out of hands such as these. 

I’m a gun owner, and I use it for target shooting and I sometimes take it into the mountains for large animal protection if I’m alone (I also carry bear spray as a first line of defense). I’m also a very even keeled person, not prone to emotional outbursts. But even I know that carrying a weapon daily only makes this

What's wrong with office coffee is that it's at the office, the last place I ever want to set foot again after two years of working from home. #sweatpants4ever

I find that....whelming.