
I stand by my claim that your car always drives better after it’s been washed.

Say you have three turds.

Zune may be dead, but much like Betamax and HDDVD it was the superior device when it came to quality, and Usability. Like the other 2 its lost due to marketing and how trendy it was. 

Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.

My car has a device known as a “Rear Main Seal” that coats the undercarriage with a rust proofing substance while I’m driving.


Don’t understand why $30 for so many N64 and Genesis games is considered expensive when new games cost $70. I understand you can in theory emulate these games but for the technologically unsavvy like myself who don't care much about graphics or technical aspects the Expansion has given me the opportunity to replay

You make sense. I’m surprised people aren’t bashing you for stating the obvious. Saying an Uber driver could potentially do something else with their time usually invokes this bizarre tantrum from commenters. 

I think the best case scenario is a press release that says, “We consider those stories and characters to now be part of the Legends universe and look forward to adding new stories in their place.”

I’m OK with being called an idiot. I was an idiot. I’m also nearly 11 years sober, which doesn’t invalidate my misdeeds but at least shows that I did, in fact, address my alcoholism.

I am, to my shame, a 2-time loser. And as such, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that no system exists outside of full automation that can keep drunks from driving while also not screwing over normal, rational drivers at the same time.

Ok, so like whenever I see a car driving at night with their headlights off, I flash my high beams at them to hopefully get their attention and convince them to turn their lights on. Some idiots do not do this because they are afraid that the car driving with its headlights off is actually going through some kind of

That was my first thought as well.

When gas was crazy expensive under Bush after the Iraq war I remember a bunch of conservatives saying not to blame the president but whatever. 

I brought it up 1) because OP mentioned exits in his post and 2) I feel like aforementioned asshats will use incorrectly use the concept of zipper merging to justify their asshattery. Granted, to your point, asshats are going to do it anyways. I guess I just don’t want any non-asshats to mistakenly become asshats due

The key there is “if done properly”. In 99.9% of instances, it isn’t. Instead it becomes what the OP described, a single asshole flying the zipper merge flag as they disrupt the steady flow of traffic through the bottleneck point.

“A GM will run poorly longer than most cars run at all.”

aren’t these games technically already open world though? you can freely explore the planets that you’re on and in Prime 3 you have multiple planets. and lets not kid ourselves here open world doesn’t always mean non-linear. most open world games aren’t non-linear, you still have to do missions in the order of the

Except there aren’t any logistical issues being faced in the US to getting people vaccinated.  It’s only idiots who think their Facebook doctorate degrees make them know better than actual scientists.
