
We humans mess up so. . .much. . .stuff.  Leave no trace, folks.

The only good that comes of this is that they are no longer manufactured.

“Oldham told WEHT that he couldn’t understand the reason for the theft, since the person could’ve come by the dealership while it was open for a test drive. He’s got a point, considering their big heist seems to have turned into nothing more than a short drive to an apartment complex down the street anyway.”

My fully loaded 4x4 2500 HD silverado was in the mid 20's when it was new. . .in 1995.

HEI systems still use ignition control modules, they’re located under the rotor inside the cap. Still have a tendency to fail (if you don’t use the proper heat-sink compound).

“He’s been very good to me in the sense he’s let me in his world.”

I like it.  Bring it here.

Craiglist in 6 months:

To all saying that it’s the same actress - I understand that, I’m just saying that an aged voice in a character body that hasn’t aged messes with you.

Bo Peep’s voice is different and it’s throwing me off.

Hopefully they doubled the enemy count or adjusted the difficulty or something, otherwise I don’t think this would be very fun for very long.

If “50% think it’s a witch hunt” then that means 50% think it legit.  That is no small number.

I’ve seen one pyrex casserole dish explode. Someone had sat it on a burner (flat top stove) and didn’t know the burner was on (low). The meat in the dish started to sizzle and someone ran into the kitchen, turned off the burner, and (before I could stop them) pushed the dish off the burner to the back of the stove.

“or even a burnout!”

Now playing

A lot of good posts on here. For me it would have to be crash test dummies.

That’s a bad time to lose one’s head.

I’m confused. Isn’t this kind of like buying a new Corvette and dropping an old 350 in it?  What’s the point of buying the new car then?

You mean to tell me that they had the money for 33's, fancy wheels, and a modest lift. . . . . .but couldn’t afford the 4wd model?

When I left.

I’ve never heard of a hee-jab before. Is that like, those white bonnet things that southern bells wear?