
If I had the money and need for such a vehicle I think I’d spend it buying an actual factory made vehicle (Kodiak/Topkick) instead of somebody’s custom job.

So. . .are we going to have another article in a week or two about how he was drifting in a field, a tire caught, and he lost an arm or worse his head in a rollover?

WALL-E was a future documentary in the same way that Idiocracy was.


I think this car was wrecked at around 8,056 miles, sat in said wrecked condition for a significant amount of time, then the owner “fixed” it, drove it once, and decided to sell it.

Yup.  As soon as I saw the first pic my thought was “this car has been wrecked.”

Man, just listening to his laugh you can tell he loves what he does.  Kudos to him.

So, honest question: Could the hot rod even be driven? Or would it simply pretzel itself?

I was wondering how long AOC could stay in the spotlight before Splinter inevitably wrote something about her that wasn’t favorable.

To each their own I guess.

I feel like we should be at unmanned tanks by this point.

Hot take: Ready Player One was a fun movie.

It’s not ready for public release yet 

So what I just read is that in order to get to sit in the front left seat of the falcon ride I need a group of 6 people, none of which also want to sit in that seat.

Man. . .Republicans are tripping over themselves.

I’m not saying it’s not important, I’m saying that we allowed this kind of thing to happen because we placed a level of importance on a platform that should never have gotten it.  

I have a question.

that. was. AWESOME!


JUST IN! New study shows: stupid people are stupid.