
So, honest question: Could the hot rod even be driven? Or would it simply pretzel itself?

I was wondering how long AOC could stay in the spotlight before Splinter inevitably wrote something about her that wasn’t favorable.

To each their own I guess.

I feel like we should be at unmanned tanks by this point.

It’s not ready for public release yet 

Man. . .Republicans are tripping over themselves.

I’m not saying it’s not important, I’m saying that we allowed this kind of thing to happen because we placed a level of importance on a platform that should never have gotten it.  

I have a question.

JUST IN! New study shows: stupid people are stupid.

What does it say for the world we live in that “tweets” carry any scrap of importance to the goings on of everyday life?

I really don’t get it. When I write in to senators telling them how much I disapprove of what they’re doing I get a “thank you for writing in, I will definitely look into this matter and give consideration to your thoughts as I deliberate over this. . . .”

I feel like these screens are gonna be glare city during the right parts of the day. Why not place them vertical or even better - vertical with a lip overhand at the top sufficient to block sunlight from the windows?

You mean spending real money on fake items wasn’t fulfilling?

I had a red corvette like the one in this picture, no frills, good times.

“That means it will go on auction early in its production run, and Boomer money will pile onto it and relegate the thing to “collector” status before a tire ever hits the road.”

“a four-door Crew Cab 4WD Silverado like this one is rated to pull 12,200 pounds”

The hood livery is wrong, on his 1991 car it simply had the blue GM emblem with “GOODWRENCH” and “service” in subsequent lines below. Goodwrench service plus wasn’t a thing until 1997.

Every time that we make an attack run on an imperial base I say “Lock S-foils and attack position”, Red Two has to make a joke about @$$-foils. Every. Dang. Time.

I probably won’t get out to the greys but here’s mine: