
That’s why I spent pretty much the whole movie with my jaw on the floor - it was the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a Bilal/Moebius/Metal Hurlant graphic novel come to life.

Well, I don’t know about other versions of the origin story, but I liked the fact that Jor-El basically made the call: “You know what, we’re kinda crap adults, raising crap adults for generations, so let’s just send the kid out to figure out something new without us interfering.” And if Kara’s family managed to get a

Actually, looking at these three posters together, I actually quite like the GOTG one. The other two are dull dull dull. But the GOTG poster at least has a gorgeous colour palette, is giving a pretty huge nod to the original Star Wars poster, and seems to be actually saying something: here’s a mis-matched team,

How fantastic do all the assorted aliens at The Dread Pirate Lupita’s castle look? The production design on this film is just heart-warmingly great.

I heard you like facts: Oz doesn’t get a Monday-ized Anzac day, much to my sister’s disappointment. But given the absolute heaving throng at Sylvia Park when I saw Avengers (Furious 7 also opened on the weekend) I otherwise believe you are absolutely on the money.

Maybe just a little love. Or a lovely footnote.

Absolutely, I don’t know why it’s gotten such a short shrift here. Not only is it one of my favourites and truly changed the way I look at people, it’s also a pretty good marker of where Pratchett found his voice.

Small Gods (1992): Religion

Fantastic! This film has been spinning around in my head the last few days, and I keep forgetting all varied storypoints because there was so much packed into 2.5 hours. BUT I did come out feeling like I had experienced a full ‘graphic novel’ or trade story arc, and I think an extended cut is only going to improve

While I totally dig that design as spot-on to Archangel and completely bad-ass, I can't help thinking they really missed the chance to set up Angel properly. I mean, Angel's forced betrayal needs to feel like Spock or Wash dying - a real punch in the gut from a character we've spent time with and now love. Now we're

Yeh, this one bothers me too - instead of actually remembering how the game works and putting Peaches on a par with Mario, it's just some Mary-Sue "who needs Mario anyway?"over-compensation. Given the rationale of the project, surely it would be better to have Peaches as, say, a Sicilian mechanic in some spunky

I know stories like these require it-ain't-all-it's-cracked-up-to-be drama, but surely we've got writers who can think up better ideas than "technologists are evil bastards who like to say 'progress requires sacrifice' a lot"?

Well, she also looks pretty damn good in a red dress, so... Yes!

This comes out in May?! How come there haven't been any 3-minute long trailers laying out every beat of the story yet?

While I loves me some out-there futurismo as much as the next biped, images like this that really nail a casual viewpoint of a futuristic environ just make me swoon. It's funny how picking a mundane viewpoint really reinforces the vast awesomeness of a scene.

Marvel strikes me as an advertiser with pretty deep pockets these days. Agents of Shield strikes me as a pretty sound method of keeping the buzz rolling between films. And a TV commercial that directly interacts with said films is a pretty slick marketing move...

Required reading: Transmetropolitan.

The really fascinating thing for me is that, on an evolutionary/geological timescale, all these issues that you've pointed out are simply growing pains on the way to something much, much greater. On a generational scale we have to afford them all the research, development and empathy (or hand-wringing and

Phil Noto is just a god among artists. Even his speed-sketches have a feeling of 'realness' to them, even though they're completely loose. If Struzan isn't available, I'm sure Noto could easily smash out something amazing if it was a real commission and not just post-coital teaser therapy!

Sir, I would invite you to search thee out the trailer for "Iron Sky 2"... I believe it contains the Internetbreaktonium you are looking for.