
Poor Ant-Guy and Wasp-Lady...

I have the Robin from the same series, and he comes equipped with Shark Repellent! Time for a showdown...

Definitely agree - after the War was resolved, it really felt like they were floundering. They went all meta (Literals, etc) and made up new archetypes rather than exploring existing archetypes - which is what made the whole thing so damn wonderful in the first place.

Super green.

She is looking particularly Mara Jade-esque in that last shot...

You mean Dark Fury? That Aeon Flux-iness comes from them both having the same director/animator, Peter Chung. It’d be great to see him given a show again.

That’s not to say every single scene in this movie is about something other than what it is. The characters getting stuck in the trash compactor is simply about creating tension, and that’s why I think it probably is one of my least favorite scenes in the film. A tiny misstep that still has some charm thanks to the

Strangely enough, this is why Gully looked like Vin Diesel in my headtheatre - a big, brutish asshole that is just somehow actually likeable...

Universes as an evolutionary process is incredibly mind-blowing concept! That the reason there are millions of parallel/quantum universes is simply because the majority of them are ‘unfit’ and cannot maintain themselves or produce progeny. How many universes did it take before this one was capable of producing us? Or

Hmmm - I have a feeling we agree that art is art, and all mediums are good. I guess I just can’t grok using the medium as the primary method of explaining/listing/defining an artwork. Working as a commercial digital artist, I’m never asked to use a particular tool/medium to achieve the brief - as I’m sure it would

Way way back a teacher pointed out to me that drawing is the act of draw-ing (dragging) one thing across another to make a mark. Hence cave drawings are made with charcoal, or mud. Ink drawings are made with a brush. The medium is immaterial, it’s the act and the intent that matter.

That was pretty much my point: in an attempt to be accurate, the original comment ended up being even more vague, and tapped on a phrasing that tends to be used to diminish digitally-generated art. A selfie captured on a phone is a “digital image”. A lolcat gif is a “digital image”.

Yep, it’s definitely the pedantry that got me - the number of times I’ve seen commentors try and slam artists because “Photoshop ain’t real art” is dis-heartening. In that sense, digital does get used as a dirty word.

That’s great, because yes the Art is fantastic. But you obviously have a beef with digital vs analogue processes that you are compelled to troll about...

Oh, hello art troll!

My body is at war. I can brain tastes the anti-septic edge, and I even get flash-backs to being in hospital as a child. But my mouth over-rules and loves every dram.

I really liked the tragedy implied by “War Boys” - these really were merely boys but brainwashed into a life where death and death-bringing were a glorious thing...

Ooohhh, gotta love the irony of not being able to watch a video of epic New Zealand landscapes... in New Zealand.

An interesting definition for the effects of acid (I think it was in an Scientific American magazine) was that LSD lowers the threshold at which the brain registers things as ‘significant’. A sober person would look at the cloud image above, their brain running a bunch of pattern recognition behaviours, and think ‘oh