
"They have normal coffee in space" Espresso is normal coffee. If your normal is what I think you're thinking, then you mean "They have simplified coffee in space".

Unlike this particular site, which had a gif of dancing Groot (I mean, how did you even get the footage?!) up on the site the day of the film's release!

Ha yes, me too. Though while Doctor Who's timey-whimey approach uses explanations that are incomprehensible, Interstellar uses explanations that are beyond our comprehension...

That would be a shame. I love how it's Captain America/Britain at the front, and Mad Max at the back.

I am cautiously pleased by this - saw Interstellar last night, and my first thought as the credits rolled was that it felt very much like the first chapter of a Foundation-like saga!

I approve of this suggestion. Make It So.

This thread is the first time I've even seen the helmet - it doesn't seem to be in much of the usual promo images. Which is a shame, because it's awesome. Especially that top picture.

but then why is there lens flare in space?

Ah ha, nice catch - I didn't click that Murphy's Law was being used as a sneaky explanation for quantum possibility. ie The film portrays the one successful timeline where billions upon billions of others fail.

Kinda depends on how THEY traverse and/or perceive time - if time is simply another physical dimension, then perhaps a closed loop isn't a big deal to them?

Exactly, and it's not Earth that's dying - it's just that it's (possibly temporarily on the geologic scale) becoming inhospitable for humans. What's to stop organisms that enjoy a dusty, nitrogen-rich atmosphere evolving in our wake? Life finds a way.

To be honest, this is the first time I've liked the use of a time travel loop - as they point out in the film, the 5th-dimensional THEY can move through time like our physical dimension. So it's plausible they can move across the temporal landscape until they find the timeline where Plan A and B can work.

Big Hero 6, which is rolling out slowly internationally

Ra's accent while he was getting out of the pit was what ruined it for me:

Gah, thwarted by being an Antipodean sub-human! Any other versions of the trailer out there?

And even possibly further than Australia - the story of the Roc has a lot of parallels with New Zealand culture at the time. Including a very real (but sadly now extinct) giant eagle...

It's actually getting pretty impressive how much of an effort the content broadcasters here are making to narrow the gap - especially with the the mainstream ISPs blatantly offering geo-blocking to access US content.

Man, you should try living in New Zealand. It's actually gotten to the point here where (legit, mainstream) ISPs are offering geoblocking as part of the service so that people can give Netflix their money...