redhead with tattoos

Hahahaha "antisocial." Because I'm not taking shit in a comments section? Great diagnosis there, doc.


Because you're just as capable of scrolling up as anyone else?

Sure. Let's recap our first two replies to each other. I said the window was closed. She disagreed. I disagreed and presented things like timelines and publicity announcements. She told me I had no common courtesy but did not actually reply to the content of my reply. She just insulted me.

And the person who has spent 12 hours doing nothing but insulting me and my manners and calling me a narcissist is what?

But I'm not wrong, at least not any more wrong than OP or sailgood_man is. And I'm not the one lunging for personal insults right out of the gate. I'm just also not cowed by them. I've been a woman on the internet for years. Personal attacks are boring, and yet that's all sallgood_man or you can muster.

I don't think you need a spoiler warning to mention that Daredevil becomes Daredevil in "Daredevil," or that it ends on a more triumphant note than Jessica Jones, 8 months after Daredevil has aired. This review did not need a spoiler warning and any general discussion of a show 8 months after it comes out should not

You're not on a message board or forum, you're on a television episode review. And the "spoilers" (which are barely such) are about a show that has been out for 8 months. Not everyone has seen everything, but once a reasonable amount of time passes the rest of the population that HAS seen it no longer is obligated to

I am here for a second season focused on Jessica's PI work where she's the grumpy, drunk detective and Malcolm as her people-person assistant. In fact, I kinda of really want it.

This comment just made me think about the scene in the restaurant where Malcolm and Robyn and the others are lined up with nooses around their necks and how Kilgrave's order is not "Kill yourself," it's "Step forward!"

This show did such a good job of using superpowers and a superhero universe to tel the stunningly depressingly accurate tale of what real rape survivors go through in a quest for justice that is almost never fulfilled.

To point 1: Kilgrave was the opposite of careful by the end. He was so angry, so filled with rage that he couldn't have the thing he wanted that he could no longer be meticulous. Simultaneously, he couldn't know whether Jessica was truly under his control at the very end without testing it a little bit, but since

I surely hope not. I'd rather the writers write in service of their plot and their ongoing story, not my own fannish gluttony.

You're right, the actual OP did not feel the need to pick apart the manners of an internet commenter who had replied to them quite normally. The only pompous, self-important and inconsiderate people I see here are you and sallgood_man, who feel they have the authority and right to tone police another person on the

No, she's absolutely tone policing. Because when I laid out exactly how long Daredevil has been available and how close we are to the second season, hence why her demand for a spoiler warning is not actually reasonable anymore, she could only respond with "Well, you don't appear to have any manners." Which is tone

It's not arbitrary, though. In the last few years, the general cosensus has become that, roughly, plot developments from a season of a television that airs on a broadcast schedule for television no longer warrant spoiler warnings when the next season starts — since there's usually about 4-6 months between the end of

I'm not the one tone policing!

Just keep on tone policing.

Again: All you've got is tone policing. All i did was lay out how long Daredevil has been out and how publicly this show is connected to it AND how publicly a Daredevil crossover, in some way, was part of it. The mere existence of the show is a spoiler warning. Which is why you latched onto my tone — because you know