redhead with tattoos

I mean, I wasn't conflicted plot-wise, I was conflicted in terms of my own Wonderful TV gluttony. i wanted Kilgrave to die. I want Tennant-as-Kilgrave to stay. I cannot have both. I feel the conflicts. I want all the things.

Keep on tone policing if that makes you feel better about yourself! Still hearing that tiny, tiny, tiny violin.

HA I love how when men on the internet are confronted with logical explanations as to why their own personal needs should not be extensively catered to, they can only whine about manners. I think I hear the world's tiniest violin playing for your manpain.

Season 1 of Daredevil, which is also 13 episodes long, has been out for 8 months. Its second season is premiering in 4 months. Jessica Jones is openly known to be the second of 4 Netflix Marvel series that share a universe and will culminate in The Defenders. The fact that there was some sort of Daredevil crossover

Daredevil will put out its second season in April. Your window to be indignant about spoilers closed a long time ago, friend.

Dude, could you have POSSIBLY missed the point any further????

I know I'm SO excited. There is no such thing as too much Claire Temple.

Claire Temple is my very favorite universe unifier ever. I want her in all the things. ALL THE THINGS.

I was pretty neutral on the Luke Cage series before Jessica Jones. Now I'm beyond excited.

The entire conversation between Kilgrave and Luke shown in flashback is one of my top 5 scenes on this show. "What do you want?" "To kill you." "Well take a bloody number!" I wish I wasn't at work, I just want to watch that convo on a loop for like 10 minutes.

Special shout-out to the entire Kilgrave/Luke conversation (outside and then in the car) for being absolutely hilarious.

Wasn't there like 12 episodes of "Clara is bossy!" "Clara is reckless!" just to make it clear she's not gentle? I'm with you. Dramatic shift with little to no context beyond "I want Clara to be bossy now."

I'm 99.9% sure it's to make room for commercials.

Season 2 was a big stumble, but seasons 3 was super strong and season 4 is so far as well. I think it's been pretty well ambitious.

Man, I think that's such terrible advice. Start with "Rose" and go through. Deal with the momentary frustration, reap much greater rewards. Start from the beginning. That storytelling matters.

I had never heard of DW before a few friends recommended it and started with RTD on Netflix (it wasn't airing in the US yet, I don't think), and I was so far gone by the end of "Rose" that I never looked back. (I still think that "Rose" is the single best premiere episode of this show, ever.) But when I got to the

I've been rewatching Season 5 this week because I woke up Monday with a bit of an Amy craving, and I really so agree with you there. I really liked Amy as a companion — she was fun, and funny, and stubborn; kind of a tall, Scottish Rose Tyler (I imagine they'd have got on quite well if they'd had a crossover

I like Capaldi a lot and i liked this season, overall, more than I've liked any Moffat season since 5 (well, until that stupid reneg on Clara in the finale), but I could not possibly be more over Moffat's stories and "themes." I'm open to him writing episodes, but I cannot wait until someone else is running the show.

Totally disagree. It deflated the entire episode for me.

Oh I agree, for about half a dozen episodes per season, Elementary can't fully buck the weight of its 22-episode procedural definition. But I think the characters are a million times better, even at its low points, and without a doubt Elementary has THE BEST Moriarty in the history of television.