redhead with tattoos

That is a very very good thought, I like that.

It's not actually 9/8, it's 4/4 time with a really woozy rhythm. The song relies on dotted eighth notes and dotted quarter notes to draw the piano chords out an extra half beat, throwing off the listener's ear. But it's quite clearly in 4/4 time. Just take a look at some sheet music.

God the "Radiohead = depression" is so old. Please explain to me how music that fills me with joy and elation is a soundtrack to my depression?

"Reckoner" is astonishing. My favorite Radiohead album is OkComputerKidAInRainbows.

Literally the band that just keeps on giving. Listened to an album hundreds of times in the years since it's come out? Try figuring out each song's time signature! Oh look, you fell down a music theory rabbit hole that'll last you another 10 years.

It makes a certain kind of sense, considering diamonds are the among the strongest materials on earth.

It's pretty normal for bands to try out an alphabetical listing when they're trying to sequence things (I know a guy who works as an audio engineer and he said the shit he's seen bands do while sequencing their albums is hilarious and inexplicable), I can't help but wonder if they tried it and went "Oooh!" I'm so

It took about a dozen passes through the album before the new True Love Waits began to sink in for me. Now it steals my breath every time. I think it's just going to take time. I'll always love that old version, though.

I don't know, man. I've never been able to explain what I find so incredible about Radiohead to people who don't like them. I wish you were on the same page as us, it's a very happy and awesome page right now.

You can, but you don't have to. I usually recommend people start with OK Computer because it's a masterpiece, but if you want to start a Pablo Honey go for it, or Kid A, or In Rainbows, or the Bends, or wherever you want. Just do yourself a favor and once you start don't stop.

Right?? I hear so much "Subterranean Homesick Alien" in it, which is WONDERFUL.

I think it's because Radiohead have never really been storytellers with their lyrics as much as they've been… painters? Instead of telling a story, they're really effective at provoking a mood and an emotion. That's why so many people - critics and fans alike - have such personal touchstones with each album and many

A-fucking-men, we should be writing epic poems about Colin Greenwood and his bass. I actually think his bass is one of the most defining and unique parts of Radiohead, the thing that makes their sound always sound like *them.* Even as cut-up and abstract as TKOL got, his bass made sure it always sounded like Radiohead.

I can only enjoy things when you enjoy them? Fuck off.

You'll be fine, this is not an electronic album.

I was talking with a friend, a day after the release, about this album and he took a moment to compliment Yorke on his genius and I automatically stopped him and extended that praise to the whole band. Radiohead is and always has been greater than the sum of its parts, an archetypal example of how collaboration

It echoed, in my mind, back to "Talk Show Host" which is 100% a compliment.

Instant classic. Fucking unbelievable. I didn't think I could get more excited for the new album; I was wrong.

"This guy? Oh it's just Dave, he's in my band…"

The depth and breadth of his catalog and influence is astounding, at once something we all knew and could also not fully comprehend. Every song he ever made — good, bad, revolutionary, familiar, all of them — sounds different now.