redhead with tattoos

Yup yup yup.

I don't want Steven Moffat to cast *anyone* as another Doctor. I want Steven Moffat to get the hell out.

Except that you keep insisting that Diner Clara is an example of longform plotting that relates back to the Clara fragments and it DOESN'T. I've noticed you haven't replied to the comment where I put the script bits from The Name of the Doctor that explicitly show how Diner Clara has nothing to do with the Clara

Of course this is all fiction, that's why I'm criticizing the BAD WRITING.

Nah, too hard, solid writing and continuity cut into his time wanking to reruns of his episodes as he calls himself a "clever boy."

Yes. Yes yes yes. Yes.

No, ithe Name of the Doctor explicitly provides the How: that the Clara in the dalek and in Victorian England are fragments of Clara created when she stepped into the time vortex/crack/whatever to save the Doctor. That was, in fact, her big Impossible Girl arc culmination and Moffat spells it all out:

Has it actually returned? It was the big maguffin of this finale and was muddled as fuck, but as far as I could tell it's not actually back in our universe and is still locked away, right? If not, it got lost in the mess of the episode for me.

You're right. There was long-form plotting in Moffat's Who that, yet again, ended with no payoff or consequences.

But only coincidentally because he made the connection on his own. The show didn't make that connection for him. It's something a fan mind draws out, not something that was written to be seen.

Does it count as an arc if it half-exists for 5 episodes and is literally never brought up again? No, it does not. That's why there's a difference between a plot device (of which seasons have many) and an arc.

It *doesn't* work. That's the end of the story there. It's just bad writing.

You seem to be pretty into it too.

Clara, it has been pretty explicitly shown, does not remember any of her incarnations. The fragments were a plot device for season 7 that have been completely dropped in every way since.

The Clara in every season since 7b has not been an incarnation; in fact, Clara's "incarnations" have been totally forgotten. Clara splintered her being when she walked into that vortex thingie to save the Doctor, creating all the fragments (the show completely dropped that plot after the finale); Clara in the Diner

God, I wiped Trenzalore from my mind because it was so terrible. He never said his name on Trenzalore; Clara's magic tears got him his regenerations. I think that's your fan mind making connections — I don't think anything in seasons 8 and 9 intentionally tied or called back to that at all.

I like the story with Adam more and more as time goes on. There's a lot of really clever cultural critique in there, and the story not having to do with Adam in the episode is tightly plotted and interesting (though the monster is hilariously awful CGI). Plus, I really do like them clicking their fingers to snap his

I love the ways people here find to say "Shit, I can't think of a counterpoint" without saying "Shit, I can't think of a counterpoint."

I actually liked season 5 (the end was the right kind of Doctor Who silly, though more frustrating in retrospect) and most of season 6, although the end of season 6 was so badly botched it stunned me. Moffat's era has had a quick and very steep decline. Deal with it.

The arc involving Clara and her multiple incarnations itself. The time travelling Clara now kind of explains that, paralleling the life of Ishildr herself until she becomes "Me" where she takes on many forms.