redhead with tattoos

Wait, how on earth was Kavorian's plot about keeping Gallifrey from returning?? She kidnapped baby River to kill the Doctor. She said nothing about Gallifrey. She also didn't have anything to do with Season 7.

How was it payoff for the 50th though? Just that their continued existence on earth was acknowledge? Because the actual plot didn't pay off, it just reset. How did it not reset?

No, dude, there's an entire scene in the TARDIS and at UNIT where the UNIT general talks about how Rose has been in charge of the time machine project, and Rose talks about using the TARDIS to build the time machine at UNIT.

In that they existed? They came back? Because that episode also ended with a literal reset button and the implication that they'd do the exact same thing for the 16th time with no consequences and no lesson learned.

That's exactly the point of longform plotting, though — the showrunner knows more than the audience, and moves pieces into place to tell the story he wants to tell. Again, YMMV but RTD actually had a larger story he told through his entire time on the show. He moved pieces around, introduced themes and brought them to

Totally disagree; I thought it was wildly inconsistent and the lack of payoff was so painful. Like, he had a good idea he dropped into 5 episodes, set up some chess pieces, then got bored, walked away from the chess board and acted out a soap opera with Barbies instead. What a waste.

It's always a quarry in Wales! The limited filming locations are still so charming.

Every thing is a reset with Moffat. Hell, in "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS" he made it a literal red reset button.

I like classic who in small spurts, but it's also absurd to compare New Who — very much including Moffat's New Who — to Classic Who because New Who clearly and openly adheres to the longform season-arc storytelling mode. Which Moffat is fucking terrible at.

1. Her actions as Bad Wolf affect all of Season 2, the season 2 finale, and seasons 3 and 4; 2. the Doctor and Rose are separated permanently and conditions are created for Davros to start building his new Dalek army and reality bomb; 3. yes season 3 is a reset though the damage to Martha, Jack, the Doctor and the

Rose engineers the entirety of Turn Left. She IS the Doctor in Turn Left. She dimension hops to stop the stars from going out, finds the split timeline, finds Donna, helps everyone else save the world and save Donna in the alternate timeline so she can write the time line, hardwires the TARDIS to build a time machine,

Doomsday separated Rose and the Doctor mostly permanently (and certainly totally permanently before anyone saw the last 4 episodes of Season 4), and the consequences of Journey's End, whether you liked them or not, were permanent as fuck. Even Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways managed to be a we-saved-the-future AND

"The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon" is the origin of my absolute disdain for Steven Moffat, because those are two episodes that set up a FANTASTIC possible season of Doctor Who and then ALL OF SEASON SIX JUST RUINS IT. All of the fun, the menace, the weirdness, the sci-fi gobbldygook craziness of that opening

Four seasons, four totally pulled punches, four finales with no consequences and four magic reset buttons.

So the series was originally going to be called "AKA Jessica Jones" instead of "Jessica Jones," and the comic it is based on is called "Alias" and "aka" denotes an alias, as it stands for "also known as." They kept the AKA on all the episodes. I've not seen an "official" explanation in an interview yet or anything,

YES! I was talking to a friend about JJ the other night and ended up comparing Tennant's Kilgrave to Ledger's Joker in terms of performance and menace. I can't think of any other comic book villains that have chilled me to the core so thoroughly while still completely enthralling and delighting me. It's hard to

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god, did you get lost on your way to 4chan?

So, not remotely aware then. I'm not crazy. I'm just neither intimidated, nor impressed, by you.

I'm just curious if you're even remotely aware of the irony of trying to tone police, insult, and shame a woman for her opinion in the comments of a review of an episode of Jessica Jones. I'm not surprised, but it really hurts to roll my eyes this hard.

I'll call you a waaaaahmbulance.