redhead with tattoos

I'm not, I'm just not letting another commenter walk all over while simultaneously totally ignoring my ACTUAL comment, which says literally the opposite of what he says it says. I'm not being a jerk, he's trying to argue with me about something I didn't even say. Why are YOU butting in on something that happened a

This season has been better than some of Moffat's others, but best of the new series? Not even close.

Reality really takes the wind out of your sails, don't it?

Yes! And I liked Rory's dad, but also I would have to literally go back and watch "Big Bang" to remember what Amy's parents looked like (as that's the only time we ever saw them) so they probably could have cast ANYONE and we wouldn't have known.

Again, **I** didn't call it torture porn, idiot. I didn't criticize the use of violence — my entire fucking comment is about how important and purposeful and effective violence is in this episode. Literally my comment's first sentence says "I think the much higher level of violence is deployed really effectively

That's funny, I remember someone getting their head liquified by a car door beating on Daredevil, but only barely because I turned away from the screen halfway through because I felt sick. Not to mention people being dragged across floors on hooks, several people getting beaten to a bloody pulp by Wilson Fisk's fists,

Totally agree! And don't forget Donna, whose grandfather became a one-episode companion.

I don't disagree, but I totally understand where she's coming from when she says she'll miss DT. His Kilgrave is a villain for the ages. He needed to die, and his death was great, but I also wanted such an intense, charismatic villain to stick around just for my own personal entertainment.

That is the correct order. Watch Hannibal first; Daredevil is good but Hannibal is way, way better.

…Yes? That's what I said?

I believe he says in the club that Albert's work with the stem cells from Hope's aborted fetus have increased his power in terms of both duration and distance. Something like jumping from 10 hours to 14 and now 24, and 100 yards. Luke definitely didn't get his instructions before the final injection, but I believe

What part of "accidentally" do you not understand? Of course showing her that video was intentional and part of his manipulation. His reaction to it? An accidental reveal — she even comments on it, how he never spoke of his parents before, of his past, of his life. That does not help further his scheme; it's an

I disagree. I think little truths accidentally slipped out during WWJD and Sin Bin — moments like when he yelled about not being able to tell if anyone is doing something voluntarily, or his reaction to watching the video of his testing (watch him flop onto that couch; that's not manipulation, that's a person

WWJD and Sin Bin are far from "simple" and this show does more than one thing at a time. Re-read my comment. I never suggest Kilgrave is anything other than manipulative; we've just never seen his full brutality because he's working towards a goal (a lack of detection or manipulating Jessica without mind control) —

I'm already a David Tennant fan and have been impressed with his acting across characters, genres, and formats, but HOLY SHIT MAN. HOLY. SHIT. I have never felt so conflicted about an obviously monstrous villain before. Kilgrave curling up on the bare cot, hands over his ears like a little child to block out the

Everyone's eyes and brain are different, but there is a lot going on in that scene and the episode and that's a quiet, subtle moment that I definitely saw and processed a lot more clearly the second time round.


A lot of things happen in that scene, I understand why the subtleties can fly by in the first binge watch.

I am definitely not a torture porn fan — I actually found the violence in Daredevil to be overwhelming most of the time — but I think a much higher level of violence was deployed really effectively here. If you think about it, all the Kilgrave we've seen before "1,000 Cuts" is a Kilgrave that is either 1. trying to

Same impression. I…may have finished the show and started rewatching and I MIGHT be almost done with my first rewatch, but it was definitely clearer to me the second time around; the vaccine works on the first command, but the second, yelled command gets through and he's powerless. Hence the "I'm sorry" he whispered