redhead with tattoos

Remembering Clara once had a family she cared deeply about cracks me up every time. That got totally abandoned right quick, didn't it?

She started as a plot device, and she's been a really, really poorly sketched out character for her entire time on the show. She's cowardly! She's bossy! She's a naive little girl! She's a tech wizard! She's the Doctor's conscience! She's the Doctor! She's an addict! She's… well, who the hell knows anymore?

I can't agree more. I haven't really been invested in Clara as a character for her entire run on Who (largely because she started out as a plot device, not a companion, and a really poorly written one at that), but last season was definitely the peak of my interest in her. The arc was complete and devastating… and

I feel no confidence Clara is actually dead either. I'll be surprised but slightly pleased if I'm proven wrong, though. It's been a long, long time since Moffat's Who didn't pull a punch like this one, though, so I have no faith.

No, you're correct, he was originally almost cast as Hannibal and was not in the running, ever, for Will. But Bryan Fuller talked a few times about wanting to cast DT in a smaller arc as another killer on the show — someone in the mold of, like, Tobias from season 1 — to have him on the show (which Fuller really

The back half of Jessica Jones, starting with this episode, is the closest glimpse we have of what seeing Tennant play across from Mads on Hannibal would have been like (as Bryan Fuller spoke of wanting to do), and I feel So. Bereft.

"Everything stays / right where you left it / everything stays / but it still changes / ever so slightly / daily and nightly / in little ways / when everything stays."

You're completely wrong; fundamentalists, far more than other groups, are able to absolutely clearly articulate why they believe violence is the only answer, even if those reasons are not based in what normal people would consider to be reality. To use the fundamentalist group the show went with, ISIS slaughters all

No, I'm with you too. Osgood does nothing for me.

Am I the only one who thought the mind wipes "twist" completely robbed Capaldi's otherwise excellent speech of all of its power?

I've come to the conclusion that the only acceptable reason for Betsey Ross to keep getting interjected into this show at all is if she comes back as a literal zombie in the service of Pandora. I accept no other version. Do not test me, SH writers.

Or maybe the two seasons of other characters declaring "Clara's bossy" for no contextual reason was all leading up to this moment.

Yeah, but what's so hard about, like, having mostly standalones and them a two parter here and there? Russell T. Davies had no problem having a good mix of standalones and two parters and thus everyone got all the things all the time. Moffat's era has been weirdly characterized by these extreme strategic swings - NO

I honestly will be a little surprised if they acknowledge Danny's death in this season (they haven't so far, unless I missed it?). Clara's run has pretty much been characterized by having a thing happen to her and never following up on it ever again.

I suppose it's really only a "great" character arc compared to season 7 which is such a moronic mess that it's embarrassing for the show (not to mention impossible to rewatch). But at least S8 was an arc, and even though it was anvilicious all the way through it could have ended in a satisfying way. But nope. Because

Alasdair, that entire meditation on the Clara twist is the very definition of "damning with faint praise."

He called it 'frolicking in the forest' actually, but I can only say that because I watched that perfect little moment half a dozen times over. They're too good together.

My kingdom for the Mills sisters' halloween costumes.

I will always love the book more than the movie here — the book is heartbreaking and emotionally fraught while also being pee-your-pants terrifying. Kubrick's movie is gorgeous but it's literally never scared me; perhaps because I read the book before I saw the movie and nothing in the movie is frightening once you

It is also one of the scariest stories King ever wrote. God, I love the story "1408" so much and while I wasn't destroyed by the film version, it's definitely a highly mediocre adaptation. Screw David Lynch doing "It" (ok not screw it, I'd still watch that any day), I would LOVE to see Lynch's interpretation of