redhead with tattoos

Thank you!

Oh that figures. RTD always had an extraordinary insight into the heart and soul of these otherwise very odd, very silly Time Lord aliens. People shit talk the silly effects and sometimes-melodramatic arcs of his era of the show, but it is also filled to the brim with these quiet, restrained, shockingly subtle

Nicole Behaire and Tom Mison are the lights of my life. The amount of joy I derived from the end of that warehouse chase — the one where Nathan goes flying out the window, Abbie responds with all annoyance, "Oh, damn." and then he opens his eyes, prompting a perfect "Oh, damn!" — will get me through my entire day.

Love Shack.

Someone here must know this: What does Tyrell's wife say in Swedish when she's speaking with Elliot? It's the only non-subtitled Swedish in the show… so obviously it's important!

He does it at the end of every season and at least one Christmas special, so it's gotta be at least 4 or 5 times. Zzzzzzzzz.

Waters of Mars is BRILLIANT, though. Possibly the scariest episode of Doctor Who ever made. And almost certainly the darkest.

SO MUCH YES to having her be called the Master again.

I always thought Illuminati meetings would be so much more entertaining than the VMAs.

Aw, read the books! Or at least read Red Dragon - which the show has now adapted indirectly and directly - and Silence of the Lambs, which the show can't adapt directly and thus has already kind of adapted indirectly. They're good. And the film of Silence of the Lambs is AMAZING. I'm surprised you haven't actually

I haven't watched the uncensored cut and probably never will. Even now, on rewatches, I will simply leave the room for that scene. The sound is MORE than enough. Poor, poor Roland.

Hannibal's moments of blatant villainy in its title character have been somewhat far between, but always expertly executed, and have always inspired the most intense moments of glee and pure joy in me. Which is to say: I rewound and rewatched that scene between Jack, Hannibal and Alana after he received Chilton's lips

Fuller said Amazon passed on Season 4 (for now) because he needs to do American Gods, creating a production delay they were unwilling to accommodate. Considering said production delay, and the cast's verbally open willingness to return to the show if it finds distribution again, there's no reason to think they

It happened last season, after she seduced Will for an heir and got pregnant and Mason found out.

This was fun, and terrifying, and funny in parts, and beautiful and masterful and really just everything I love about this absolute tour de force of a television show.

The Broken Heart Stag may be my single favorite image ever put on a television show. I've never seen anything as disturbing, terrifying, and beautiful in such equal measure. GodDAMN, show. Goddamn.

I disagree with your reading of both the "Will clones" (who aren't clones at all), and also with your take on what the two episodes represent.

Can you imagine if the show had put this two-episode arc (last week and this week) somewhere early-to-mid season so that the second half of the season dealt with Abbie fighting to get back to her time and her Ichabod, Ichabod working with Jenny and/or Frank (cuz if you cut out the middle of the season, Frank didn't

Oh man, I totally forgot about her! Have we seen or heard from/of Elena since the beginning of the season?

Oh, I think you're absolutely right it's not a good fit for the character. I'm 99.9% sure it's just my Dormer love (and my Elementary!Moriarty love) shining through.