
How about a Miata? Put to rest all the claims, superstitions, and boasting that goes on here in Jalopnik land. You could take it offroading too!

Yes, but again my friend, I find beauty in both the aesthetic form, as well as the functional form if the functional form is done right. Your definition of beauty is clearly different than mine, and that is alright! :)

Got your Hoosiers? (bro)

I feel as if this GIF is also applicable for after you COTD replies... :P

I think we can all have different definitions of beauty ;)

Hideous?? Nah. It’s really good at what it does, and you know for sure every line, angle, and curve on that car was put there on purpose, just to go fast. So in that respect... Its beautiful.

Goose puffalump should be a thing.

At this point we watch F1 because it's a billion dollar soap opera

It took them so long because they couldn’t agree on the fair market value of the contingent liability needed to be recorded for Crashtor.

I think we all know who is the real visionary of our time... His name starts with a T and ends in an Orchinsky

I wonder what that prop pilot was thinking when 2 F-18’s pulled up to him LOL

All this reminds me I should go play Assassins Creed, the 1st and 2nd of course.

At this point i’ll watch Mr. Clarkson in anything I can get, whether it’s narrating this or having him just sit by a fire for 24h straight. I need me some jezza.

Such a cool story, thanks for sharing Tyler! I’d love to fly in one of those A4 scooters. I got to see one fly at the Wings over Houston, and it quickly became one of my favorite planes. It just has, the “look” to it. Can’t quite put my finger on it but it does! I’d take 4 months in the brig to get to fly one of

Dammit Doug I'm getting my CPA and I find that offensive! Actually jk, I HATE how boring my profession is. I'm so getting a bumper sticker that says you just got passed by a CPA

I don’t care about all the DB and fuk boi’s who sully the Hoonigan name, Hoonigan is AWESOME!!

Careful though... He or she will become a big Skyline fan because of GT

You know what? I’m going to say Martinsville 2015. Yep. To be honest, i’ve never seen Jeff happier. Who cares what happened with idiots around him, that moment was about Jeff and his family and his crew. I’ve never smiled so big and so long for a stupid NASCAR race like I did for that one.

With that sound too

To quote one of my favorite bands Incubus from their song Warning: