
Why was Mr. Demuro not made king of ALL JALOPNIK????


I like it!!! I see a bit of Ford on the sides, definitely some Dodge Durango in the back and of course the Kodo design language on the front. It’s a good blending. My parents have a 2012 CX-9, and its been nothing but a great car.

Alanis, can I nominate this as a #placesAlonsowouldratherbe ?

I've played Fallout, I know how all this ends.


To give them credit, its really hard to sell shit cars....

I have to respectfully disagree. Brad made what could be analyzed as an F1 style block, only moving once in one direction. Yes in NASCAR its a free for all you could block your mother from a kiss if you wanted to, but Brad only moved once. Kenseth was all over the track. Brad was much more respectful and new when to

So... About that Chase for the viewers we’ll never get... ER i mean Chase for the Sprint Crap... Er I mean Chase for the Sprint Cup. Don’t worry Mr. France, i’ll get it one of these days!

Thanks Tyler :) I’ve always loved your writing, just finally got a Kinja account a couple of months ago so... Haha! I try to keep my comments light! Unless its about Formula 1.... Sometimes that grinds my gears

Ready. I think i’ll use the F-111 fuel dump to do so. Is that ok with everyone?


Cool! I didn't know you owned a hummer!! Sweet :) if I can suggest, maybe for your next car you could get a Land Rover!

Go troll somewhere else. Try Jezebel.

Funniest thing of all, that Russian econobox (looks like one, could be wrong) that it hit looks totally unscathed. Russian steel made by Lenin himself defeats capitalist pig FCA once again. Another victory for mother Russia!

I think everyone fudges the numbers on attendance hahaha :D I heard the Russian GP had like 100 gajillion fans!!! (jokes lol). But your right, maybe its hard for us as real racing fans to step back and take a look at things from a non fan perspective. Thats why i’d be a terrible race promoter, i’d just always be like

The reason they charge so much??? Bernie Ecclestone and the race sanctioning fees associated with the gran prix. Everyone F1 track has to pay it. IIRC, it used to be subsidized by the Austin government for economic growth. But that ended. And no your right, F1 isn’t the great spectacle it used to be. Even though the

Charged to much? $70 for a 3 day pass all grandstands is to much? Thats a pretty good deal to me. And $89 general admin tickets to an F1 race with plenty of nice grassy hillsides to watch from to much? You must be mad. Also, which 2 hour 45 min IMSA race drew more fans than COTA? You can’t count at all Daytona,

This is the side of F1 i want to see more of. The human side. Enough with the bickering and infighting. Show me this NBCSN! We cought glimpses of it at COTA during all the delays. F1 needs a few laughs every now and then, even if Ferrari is a “serious organization” :D plus, Seb makes Nico look like the German in the

Well here is my tip for you. Go to the Lone Star Le Mans instead. TWO big races (plus many others) for $150 3 day pass + parking + seating in all grandstand + parade lap on track + all access to the paddock area. Its the bargain of the century. Plus much better racing, and COTA is beautiful at night.