
So, what happens if it gets scratched? do the spikes get chopped off and harbor bacteria? Or is it more like a scratch just creates more spikes since you cant really change its molecular shape. Also, are these spikes indistinguishable from human touch? People like things to feel nice and smooth when you touch it.

Being as I am pretty skinny, I could see me being the guy in the middle seat getting squished... haha, that is if the passengers are allowed to mess with their own seat.

I dont think I would like this... I live in North Carolina and have been to Wet 'N Wild's Emerald Point a few times. They have a slide called Daredevil's Drop which is 76 ft tall (a little over half as high as brazils). That ride leaves marks on your back. My assumption is that since the slide is made in sections

no singapore?

There is a difference between doing something and doing something right, regardless of who does it. Apple just has a better track record than most companies on doing it right. That is why "when Apple does it", it usually gets good reviews. This curved phone is just gimmicky at best. There is no real functional

I see the title says 'Best Tablet' but in the description it says 'Best Small Tablet'. Is it the best overall tablet for October or just the best small tablet? I know these are just links to other articles but some of the articles linked to dont exactly fit into the categories much. The kindle fire article does not

I wonder if google uses this with their google street view cars to steal your wifi connections? Most likely that's a negative but you never know these days...

That would be a weird tan if worn all the time...

Being the first to market and being the first to market with something that actually works is two separate things. One thing that is an unbiased truth is that the 5s does not fall into the former. Now, whether Apple's 5s finger print scanner actually works well enough to fall into the latter is still up in the air,

What I do not understand is why all the letters except for N, S, W, D, and Z are all bowed to the left. Why not make them all bowed to the left, bowed to the right, or do half and half. With only doing 5 one way, they just look out of place.

I am surprised to only see European countries listed. I will admit I am no historian, but I would of thought at least China would of found one or two uninhabited islands? I know China did most of its exploring before the 1400s and at some point (cant remember the year) they stopped exploring altogether, but there

I believe it was or whatever the website was that was posted on the pokemon card packs I bought. That was the first website I ever went to. And yes I was one of those obsessed elementary schoolers with the Gameboy Color battling people in pokemon red on the playground lol.

I don't know what your talking about! I loved ratitude! Red album for me was just god aweful. My favorite songs off ratitude are trippin' down the freeway and let it all hang out.

yeah, the mid fielders run a lot. I think soccer still has lacrosse beat but I thought at least the mid fielders might be somewhere close to what soccer players get.

What about Lacrosse? I bet it would be close to Soccer.

One thing that annoys me to no end with the iPhone/car stereo problem: My car has no bluetooth so I just plug it in via USB. My radio is not the stock radio. I open up my iPhone and I go to Music and hit the "Now Playing" button. It shows me a song from the playlist I was listening to just an hour ago. I plug my

This reminds me of the iPhone vs surface debates back in early 2007. Everyone was talking about multi-touch being the next big thing. Apple and Microsoft announced 2 different products utilizing multi-touch. We all know how it ended... Apple sells millions of iPhones and the surface is still a hobby. Now, the

'was' is the past tense of the verb 'to be'. Using 'was' implies that the baby was white and now is not. Like the baby died or changed skin tone or something.

was? where does it say the baby IS dead (or changed its skin tone)?

I do not think pirating currently has much of a negative effect of the music industry. Maybe back in 1999 before iTunes and such came out but frankly, I am willing to pay a dollar for a song just so I dont have to deal with the hassle of illegal downloading. When illegal downloading, the artist, album, genre names