
Its one thing to create overpriced headphones and cables as long as people are stupid enough to buy them. I personally would not buy beats or a $50 HDMI cable but as long as it sells, I have no problem with it being out there. I dont think less of the companies for it. What I think is ridiculous is going to my

This is the make or break year for Apple I feel. Not in the sense of RIM or nokia but make or break if Apple can keep its momentum up and continue to WOW us. 2012 was a pretty dull year for Apple in my opinion. Everything they released was incremental and inevitable. The closest thing to a WOW factor was the iPad

If you have 2,000 potential people using a single tower and if everyone consumes more data, then the greater likelihood bottlenecks will occur. I agree capping data usage is not the best approach at preventing bottlenecks, but it does in theory reduce the number of bottlenecks. This video makes it seem like capping

I'm sorry but who would be pissed they dont get to use IE? That just makes me laugh! If you know what IE is and are pissed its missing, your actually more computer savvy than most. Thats the same as someone buying a Mac and getting pissed there is no IE haha.

who said anything about the macbook air? The thing about the Macbook Air is that it is one of the best ultrabooks out there (not talking about price). You can disagree all you want but every other computer company right now is just copying the Air. Apple jumpstarted the ultrabook category and is currently the

I love how its NSFW yet the pictures are blasted all over the front page. Kinda defeats the purpose of saying NSFW.

Since he is good with computers and if he ends up going to college, he will probably do something computer related like computer science. I just graduated with a CS degree a couple years ago and ALL of our work was done over the internet and then turned in THROUGH the internet. I know this is a better sentence than

All songs I purchased as singles and later bought the album from somewhere else now show up twice due to me deleting the iTunes version in favor of the CD version... other songs as well for some reason show up twice :-/

When I was like 5, my favorite traveling gadgets were a talkboy and a gameboy color. Now, all I need is my iPhone and some headphones/USB adapter and I am perfectly happy.

Does this mean infoplease would be #1 again? I would love to see that day. Nostalgia ftw!

No Dogpile mention? its still up too!

If I could get rid of all my store cards like Apple hyped this product to do, it would be AWESOME! But as of now, I have never used it. It just takes up space and collects dust. Apple should of had a TON of passbook apps on day 1 so the thing could actually be useful.

You know, I have a smartphone and a laptop and everything in between but I still find myself going back to my TI-84 to do math. Even if its just 16 * 3 or something so freaking easy. Its just seems faster for some reason. I have used graphing calc apps on my phone and they are just horrible. Google does a decent

isnt a petabyte 1,024 terabytes? and a terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes and so on? It always confuses me when people just round it down to 1,000.

so what if you have 2 light switches controlling one light? Then i'm sure half the time the off will become on and the on will become off... giving the opposite effect.

well said. Its kinda sad really. All Giz has to do is write ANYTHING about apple and it instantly gets 10,000+ hits. You look at the articles around it and they are all under 5,000.

They are not saying they endorse the iPad mini in this article. They already know millions of people are going to buy them so there is no sense in trying to convince people otherwise. This article is for the people already looking to get the iPad mini and what flavor they should get. Microsoft is releasing its