
I feel the last year or so of Steve jobs life and the first year after was a slump for apple. There was not a whole lot of innovation in my opinion and I was starting to loose my love for apple. I think now they are getting back on track and trying to play catch-up. They have been copying the competition a lot

or the fact that it is now owned by Google, their biggest competitor

Maybe. I am sure someone would of come along to challenge apple, they just would not have had the insider knowledge like bill gates and I don't think they would of done as well because of it.

Actually Apple was around before Microsoft came to fruition. If you remember, it was bill gates ripping off the Macintosh that led to the demise of Apple. If there was no bill gates to rip off Apple, then there would be no demise...

I wonder what percentage of Saudi Arabia's tourists are Muslims visiting Mecca and how many are there as non-religious tourists. Saudi Arabia has a higher number than I was expecting.

People on here are harsh! What is one of the top destinations in NYC? The Empire State Building. Why? because it once held the crown for tallest building. Why did Dubai build the worlds tallest building? Because its trying to become the biggest tourist destination the world has ever seen! The reason they are

Apparently, you'd also be able to assign different tasks or open apps based on what finger you're pressing with, which sounds so batshit and unnecessary that it just might be true.

Everything we do on this earth harms the environment. Do you know how many animals are killed each year from getting run over? I probably smash 20+ insects on my way to work alone. I am sure our huge population of domestic cats and dogs kills way more birds than all the solar farms in the world combined.

It all depends how the map is made and how the cities were chosen. The city of Charlotte actually has more people than the city of atlanta. However, the Atlanta MSA has a lot more people than the Charlotte MSA. Charlotte is also the second largest banking city so it would make sense it would have a high GDP. Raleigh

One question I have: Will this affect small shops that offer free wifi? I do not own a small business and have no idea if businesses get different deals or if they can just buy the same package deals people by for their house. The businesses I am talking about are local coffee shops, restaurants, etc. If some local

So all I have to do is get a really old computer, go to this website, and they will send me a free one? Kinda sounds too good to be true... Unless I have to sign up and give them money first, but how if I can do all of that on IE7, then what's the point?

That is a little harsh don't you think? I just said I actually like this thing. It's way overpriced but I like the concept. Doesn't everyone have a right to their own opinion?

I want one! I love inline skates, but they are mainly for short distances or joy rides around a park or neighborhood. This could actually be pretty fun. I would never pay $600 though. That is outrageous!

You northerners think its funny when we freak out over snow? Well... we laugh when you freak out over a tropical storm and scratch our heads when it brings utter chaos. Yeah, we shake our heads at the people outside filming just like you shake your heads at the people who drive into ditches down here. People are not

Weird... Both are gawker sites. If they both are going to comment on the same thing, they should get their story straight!

The article says they are pop tarts so I just believed them. Never had a fruit pie before...

So thats why Poptarts always have all the goop concentrated in the center! It always annoys me to get a pop tart and have the corners be completely dry...

Have them know where each finger exactly is and then you can use it as input to a computer or manipulate a hologram like in Iron Man. Make them universal so they work with everything. That would actually be awesome!

Don't know if this even comes close to worst in the world, but it was pretty bad. Raleigh, NC got a freak 1/2 inch snow storm back in 2005 a couple hours before rush hour. School buses took 9+ hours to get kids home. Some kids spent the night in their elementary schools. I had friends that took them 2 hours to

I think a lot of people are missing the point. McDonalds gets a bad wrap (mainly because it is the biggest) for being unhealthy but the bottom line is: McDonalds has to sell what people want to buy. I saw somewhere that McDonalds tries to make healthier options, but no one buys them. This guy is just making a point to