
For some posts they told them to leave and then at the last minute said, wait!

I have a Canadian friend with this situation! One of her parents is American and she gets held up or turned away at the border nearly every time, when all she wants to do is visit her grandparents for the week.

Oh man, I didn’t even MENTION that we had to fly to Quebec to get his visa even though there’s a consulate in Vancouver. The one in Vancouver doesn’t issue marriage visas.

When my husband’s parents went for their visas to attend our wedding. They had to show all their financial records, income, prove they had responsibilities which forces them to return, all notarized to! It is insane.

Exactly. I think if most americans were aware of the stress it involves, they would be more sympathetic. But when all the media and politicians only want to show the “illegal” side of it, people start believing that it is easy to get into the country. But legal or illegal, people go through hell to get here.

I know demonizing immigrants sounds like a great thing to many trump supporters, but guys, immigrating to the US (even legally) is difficult, messy, expensive and so so taxing, physically and emotionally. And to be a refugee on top of that, to not really even have a comfortable place to wait out the immigration

This is what happen with refugees, you let them in and 60 years later they come back to bitch about your President. Sad !

I’m probably the 65, 473 person to post this but...

And what really bothers these white people is that Honeysuckle Lenin is treating them like the rest of us. That’s what irks them.

All these Independents/Moderates thought Trump was running a con job on the Republicans. As it turns out he was actually running a con job on them.

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

It was great that they consistently zigged where my knowledge of genre tells me to expect a zag. It was even better that every time they zag, they pile on throwaway joke after throwaway joke, even if they have to know that most of them won’t get picked up.

This moment was just fucking amazing. They bloody Keyser Sözed us.

I love Tahani so much.

The twist was unexpected from me and really gives the show added direction.. Kristen Bell is wonderfully charming in everything she does, even the commercials. Ted Danson is solid as ever and I hope I have hair like that at his age. D’Arcy Carden is amazing as Janet and is on her way to comedic stardom. William

This show is amazing. A very definite contender for best show of the year. I didn’t see the twist, but only because you’re right I thought we got the twist already. Early on I commented to my spouse “but Tahani is terrible! She’s so self congratulatory and smug, she’s delightful to watch but she’s kind of a jerk.” and

That moment when Michael drops the nice facade and you see the evil shine through is an exceptional acting moment. Ted Danson should get all the Emmys for that alone.

I LOVE THIS SHOW. I will watch Kristin Bell in anything and Ted Danson is a gem. And Janet might be my favorite character on TV right now. “Bad Janet” made me cry with laughter! Praying we get a second season of this...

I love everything about that relationship, how everyone agrees that it makes absolutely no sense and how Janet keeps on matter-of-factly stating that she’s not a woman. And how her reason for marrying him was that her programming doesn’t contain anything that specifically tells her not to.

I didn’t see it coming and Ted Danson played it perfectly. I plan to rewatch the whole season this summer, hopefully in preparation for season 2.