
Seriously. They write original songs for every episode! And manage to have funny and engaging script-writing at the same time! I mean, really!

It’s interesting though, that we can love hate male protagonists (the list of white male anti-heroes is endless), but female protagonists have to be likable or the movie/tv show is crap. Even better if the female protagonist is taken down a notch by being unbelievably clumsy/bad at relationships/ball-buster at

Laurie Metcalf was fabulous in this movie. I didn’t grow up in the US, so I didn’t watch Roseanne much, but this movie kinda made me want to.

I watched it this weekend with kinda low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I have a love/hate relationship with twee indie movies, because I feel a lot of times the conflict starts strong and then the plot meanders because the director can’t figure out how to end the film, so it just sorta... stops, rather

I was thinking of Putin more as the Mouse King:

She could at least play her part:

*Pants* feelings

The younger girls already wear leggings under dresses and skirts, you know, for *protection* from their child molester older brother (this is confirmed by the Duggar parents).

Jinger is also the only one of the married daughters so far to make it a year into the marriage without a pregnancy (the most recently married daughter, Joy, got pregnant almost immediately after the honeymoon. She’s 19.). It’s almost impressive.

Yeah, I don’t have too much of an opinion on her, but I tend to feel the same way as you about food bloggers (I’ve never seen her show). Her macaroni and cheese, potato soup, and holiday sweet potato recipes are my go-to. Her pictures are pretty good, especially when you’re starting out with cooking and need more of a

I’ve admittedly only been to Chipotle once years ago, and they only had Tabasco sauce as a condiment, which felt completely wrong. I live in Texas and salsa is everywhere, so this was super weird. I mean, Taco Bell makes salsa.

Bumbum means butt/bum in Portuguese. Definitely not related to the Boi Bumba festival.

I’m a little meh about Greta Gerwig as an actor, but this movie seems like it was made for me. I can’t wait to see it! Thankfully, I’m in one of the towns on limited release.

A+ Soraya Montenegro gifage!

It’s one of my all-time favorite movie musicals!

It’s the most 90s!

Yeah, they really fucked up their costumes as Madame Medusa and Dr. Blight.

My understanding is that it wasn’t even on purpose. She just had that quick walk-on role for the first one, and then for the second one she had to audition for a different, larger role. They are not supposed to be the same character.

I’ve seen Addams Family Values a million times and it never gets old. Just the camp scenes with Wednesday make the movie. The first movie is not nearly as strong, but I love this scene: