That costume is fucking horrifying. I mean good effort, especially since Colton Haynes is such a pretty boy, but JFC.
I’ve liked her ever since Reefer Madness the Musical and love her in The Good Place. She does a good job of using her celeb status for good, and I truly respect her not putting her children in the public eye, particularly right after they were born.
Spike also was shown to be capable of love even before he had a soul. He loved Drusilla and Buffy (both in a pretty self-destructive way), but he definitely loved them and didn’t have a soul. The whole attempted rape story line just killed me. It wasn’t in character at all.
Fixed that for her.
He also attempts to rape Buffy when he’s in hyena-mode, which the show totally excuses because he “wasn’t himself.” But when Buffy attacks him via love spell, she is made out to be the asshole.
Agreed. He’s a total NiceGuy™ and seemed to be a creator insert for Joss. Given what we’ve been learning over the years about Joss, this hasn’t improved my opinion of Xander. He has good moments, but they are vastly outweighed by the bad.
LOL “a bit.” Yeah, because it’s totally normal for your boyfriend to make your car inoperable so you won’t leave the house.
He does kinda have that look about him. It’s a character that the guy puts on. His videos are hilarious!
Yeah, I didn’t want to get into the show, because I’ve never seen an episode, and I’ve mostly heard good things about the show. I was dragged to both of the movies and they were unbearable to watch. The Cinema Snob made great videos about both of them, though :)
Both of the SaTC movies are joyless and terrible. Not sure what kind of beautiful story that the script could possibly tell. I don’t know any actual fans who are asking for any more movies.
OMG that’s what I was wondering (and the only reason I clicked, really). I was thinking it was a red velvet cake on top of weird green jello and was so confused.
The usual response to bringing this up is these assholes saying, “But that’s why charity/the church exists, to fill these needs.” Except even the best charity/churches don’t have anywhere near the capacity or resources to provide services to all the people in need, so that’s not in any way a viable solution.