
It is an interesting dichotomy that we practice with respect to children.

Yes, I’m not sure that showing up at BLM protests is being a good white ally. It seems more along the lines of co-opting by being a “white savior”? That is what I’ve understood from reading about how I can be a good white ally, anyway.

In D.C., I saw a white hipster guy wearing a BLM t-shirt holding a sign that said

As a tumblrite...ignore them. A lot of them are teens (the average age for tumblr is 14-18, a 25 year old like me is “old” there) just parroting whichever SJW account they follow and some of those accounts are seriously misinformed and have their own wars with each other (and there are others that are more measured

The GOP wins elections, a lot. I think the Dems should aspire to win elections.

There were ZERO arrests in DC of the hundreds of thousands of women at the march. The idiots the day before were anarchists who would have protested even if HRC had been inaugurated.

My fave ever is when my dad friends call it “babysitting” instead of what it is, which is “parenting”.

Yes, yes, yes. There is such a big difference between using the Women’s March as an opportunity to encourage people to get more involved in BLM and DAPL and then just guilt-tripping people. One tends to be insanely more effective.

I definitely get all of this. But I didn’t see signs connecting reproductive organs to womanhood. I saw signs connecting reproductive organs to reproductive rights. Which seems like a fair connection to make. The only signs I saw personally saw that edged close to being trans-exclusionary read “No ____ No Opinion”.

Pretty good showing for unity. It lasted the weekend.

Where there’s smoke...

Yes! And we didn’t go charging in in 1939 with the annexation of Poland, everybody; we waited, while actual Nazis held actual rallies in LA, while at least one shipload of Jewish refugee children was refused entrance to the US and sent back to certain death. Only after the attack on Pearl Harbor did we suddenly

This one was my personal favorite.

I’m in Lisbon, Portgual gearing up at the US Embassy. Good luck today, ladies! Our hashtag is #nãosejasTrump, which loosely translates to “don’t be Trump”. :) Stay safe out there!

I really want him to succomb to the stress and beat the William Henry Harrison record (31 days.)

They’ve done a good job at Jez of blasting Trump’s asinine policies for months.  But deservedly mocking a grown man who supposedly has money to burn yet refuses/cannot dress properly (ill fitting, unbuttoned suits, tie down to his crotch like a circus clown, tape instead of a tie pin/bar, don’t get me going on the

They straight up live next door to Tiffany’s. This is the equivalent of me handing Barack a gift from my bodega.