
Ironically enough, what statements exist regarding Bush’s perception of baseball show him to be far more evolved and intelligent regarding common sense changes that the MLB should make than any MLB leadership for the last 40 years. He has an interest in baseball, and actually has some cool ideas about it.

For them to make such a statement makes me think either they have very little idea of how PR and the justice system can and do interact, or they legitimately have found exculpatory evidence in their private investigation and accomplished more than law enforcement was able to.

Lets keep pretending that Iran had no ties to the Mahdi Army or the Badr Brigades. Remember, the situation in Iraq in early 2004 was not going to spiral out of control until the Iranians provoked the Shiites into seeking genocide. The Radical Sunni West was under control, and having to send assets back south to

I think its definitely more of an ego thing than a race thing. QBs who have issues with ball distribution and staying healthy are always looking over their shoulder, regardless of race.

I’m sure this will dissuade many potential Trump voters.

See, the problem with porn that the pro-porn people ignore is that porn itself may not be that bad, but it gets you through the gateway towards much worse shit.

The fact that the dude seems to have no remorse or fight in him makes me think that he is a psycho.

Yale continues to stir up waves because of its PC crazies on campus. First it was Halloween costumes (or not even costumes, but the novel idea to not be offended by them), and now it is this.

A rush to judgement about a campus rape case?

He is probably the one uy who can get pissy about a trade and nobody would blame him.

Carmelo not liking Lin makes more sense than him disliking KP.

People fleeing Communist oppression? Alright, yeah, help them out.

She should have been fired long ago for spewing racist bullshit on her show. There was no redeeming value to it, it was just racist hot takes, one after the next.

New York has the legs to get to the finals to lose to whoever wins the West. Playoff Lundqvist is basically like playoff LeBron, he can carry a team through three series but not four.

I always figured he’d go into college coaching. Imagine the recruting pitch. “I’m Peyton fucking Manning, and I know more about football than you do.”

Of course, they could do what a company like WWE does and simply hold 90% of the stock with the owner, 5% with his children, and 5% with the general public. It allows them to copy operating expenses.

Ubisoft is a publicly traded corporation. This means they issue stock, which investors buy, as a means to raise money. As things stand right now, the Board of Directors allow Ubisoft management as we know it to run things. If a hostile takeover happens, that means that Vivendi buys up over 50% of the controlling stock

The issue in my mind is that FIFA itself has its high up levels of corruption and that is horrible and all, but the true nitty gritty sleaze comes in the member FAs and federations that benefit from a lack of oversight and realistic expectation of punishment.

The way I see it, the only way FIFA gets a reign on the culture of corruption is to centralize its federations under a technocratic umbrella group that has no money or power outside of stringently small limits, subject to monthly independent audits. And even that might not be enough.

Not really. They lost Rooney right as he got hot, Martial is injured, the rest of the team is moribund and disappointing trying to start attacks, and Van Gaal seems to have a bad knack for picking line ups.