
I mean, as bad as this is for them, losing Rooney right after he got extremely hot, with 7 goals in 7 games, was probably even more of a killer. Rooney feasts on bad teams, and this is the kind of game he’d be great for them in.

Best diver perhaps ever

Redick seemed like a NBA Duke flop for a while, but he has become actually really good in the past few years.

The thing is that this kind of hit is pretty out of character with even the most egregious of NHL goons, and Wideman isn’t one of them. Maybe the excuse is weak, or maybe his proof mechanism for it is weak, but I think Wideman should be taken at his word in this case.

My guess is that yes, the dude was probably told to kill himself or threatened with death. But most public figures on Twitter deal with this in some way or another, and if you are a parent who just doesn’t get it, and treats the Twitter threats the same way you would if someone spray painted it on a car, that shows

Mine is more of:

This is the way to do shade. Acknowledge reality.

They won’t beat City. Spurs is possible for them to do, particularly if they are able to free up Ozil more in the center where he can make plays, as Spurs, for all their speed in the wings, have issues dealing with guys like him.

American hipsters who before the season decided to root for Leicester are probably furious about the fact that they look like bandwagon fans at this point, and nobody is going to believe them. I mean, they chose Leicester precisely to not look like bandwagon fans, and now they do.

Using 2009 as a base year is an interesting idea. Deficits picked up in 2007 with the Surge, in 2008 with TARP, and in 2009 with the Stimulus. Those years saw a fuckton of federal spending, mostly because of the power of the purse and who held it at the time.

Lol Portland

The only ESPN radio show I still like is Russillo and Kanell (I know Kanell is a troll, but I like him anyways).

I have to wonder if the huge number of Turks in Germany is having an impact on this. Merkel geopolitically is a centrist European, meaning she supports the status quo for the sake of supporting the status quo. Her close ties to Israel and dependence on Gazprom means that she would not be a natural Turkish ally. But

They already have Bomani and LeBatard for race baiting.

No, but they have been known to increase the value of property, and create jobs. Increased sales tax revenue is a myth that merely is used to try to get the deals done.

Flores was always a huge wrestling fan, as he indicated on SC, but the “future endeavors” comment at the end was the most clear moment of this ever. Dude is awesome.

If Rooney can just keep his current form, they will probably place in the Champions League.

Clearly you didn’t listen to the song. At the very beginning, a disclaimer is made that the song is not intended or meant to be derogatory to women whatsoever.

For people who weren’t Maryland residents, he seemed basically like a human form of talking points. This intrigued some people, and that was to be expected. He ran the race as an opportunist, trying to cash in on momentary rage whenever it appeared. He tweeted out some stuff about the San Bernadino shooting

I don’t even think money has much to do with it. I think race does, strangely enough.