
You guys forgot Former Miss New York Joanne Nosuchinsky.

Great. More black men arrested.

I genuinely think AstroTurf, the old hard as rock stuff, would be better than this. In fact, I would love to see them play with AstroTurf, as that particular shade of green is something that I miss about football.

Sounds a lot like the arguments we were hearing in 1860.

Brady I guess isn’t that bad.

Why is Flood at fault? I suppose he recruited the thugs in the first place, but still, I’d think they would realize that he is dealing with adults who should be responsible for their own actions.

The Giants are floating towards Redskins levels of dysfunction. I am not liking this.

Suspending someone for committing a crime, which this kind of is, makes sense from an organizational standpoint.

For one thing, he makes money just by existing. But Snyder also seems to be strangely devoted to his own poor vision. He would make bank by changing the name and selling a bunch of new shit, but he resists it. Strange.

The Bears also have a much smaller stadium. The Redskins have a grotesquely large one that to fill, they either need sustained winning (no empty seats back when they won the division), or they need to be a competent organization in general (like the Giants, who suck, but have competent ownership). They are neither

I still don’t get how you can seriously claim that Hamas is a Shiite group. I cannot get over that.

I still give that to soccer fans. Ever heard of the Heysel Disaster?

Are you fucking kidding me? Hamas is a Sunni group, with roots dating back to the Muslim Brotherhood. The most basic grasp of facts in the region reveals this.

I don’t believe that ISIS has infiltrated the West Bank. If they have, you might be right.

Israel has no stake in the fight other than to keep the barbarians away from the gates.

I don’t think Afghanistan was pointless. The ANA right now is doing alright, weathered the spring fighting season and the election went off just fine.

Nope, I refuse to believe this.

Frequently, their guests will go off on the premise of the show and how bad it is for sports journalism in general. Stephen A. gets really uncomfortable and defensive. Skip just sits there and does not seem to disagree at all, but rather just troll harder.

If your defense gets worse after losing David Luis, what the fuck are you doing?

He finally slipped into Ronda’s DMs after tonights performance.