
Decapitation and firearms are still sorely lacking in American football. We’ll get there, but sometimes progress moves slowly. Don’t worry Brazil, we will catch up.

Nothing sketchy at all about the destroyed cell phone, nope, nothing to see here.

Its kind of odd that our sports leagues here are mostly collectivist entities with the MLS bordering on Communism with its central control of things and narratives of its own self importance, while in Europe, which is actually a far more collectivist economy and society than we have here, sports are run like the Wild

I see no reason why China, with its massive economy, population, and love of sports (look at their Olympic success) can’t be top 10 either.

What Deadspin wants is some kind of evil establishment NFL bullying its innocent victims in a Erin Brockovich setting that results in public statements from the NFL to mock.

Maryland had a three way QB contest. It was so bad, and everybody in it was so awful, that their opening day starter is a guy who looks like he throws like a girl. I’m fucking serious. I could throw a football more accurately and with more zip than Perry Hills, and I am an out of shape waste of space.

I think a Levantine complexion was far more likely. Basically, what do modern day Israelis and Palestinians look like? That is probably what Jesus looked like.

Not just of a different race, either. Irish slavery is chronically undercovered by US History books, and the Cromwellian conquest being tantamount to genocide with forced labor in Barbados, Virginia, and Jamaica is often outright ignored.

Brady is obviously great and the legacy hot takes are getting annoying. However, an actual analysis of his game for a change besides bloviation about legacy will show that while he is probably the greatest quarterback of all time (yes, better than Montana), as an actual passer, he has made a career out of throwing

Just have to say this, the Ravens ruined the proud tradition of Maryland Sports Asshattery that was fun to participate in. Everything is Seven nation Army chants everywhere in the state now, and its the most stupid repetitive bullshit ever. I hate it.

Racist, for one thing.

I say use as much water as you can pay for. California’s draught was a man-made disaster of idiocy, not a natural event.

I don’t think you can say that comments are eviscerating him. YouTube comments are the lowest form of human communication, and the fact that you showed the rational critiques doesn’t mean that the vast majority of them were nonsensical angry insults that degenerated into flame wars about every kind of -ism imaginable.

Maryland still has no QB and only returns 10 starters. Purdue is a fucking basketcase. Rutgers is still Rutgers.

I think we should just put a two week moratorium on the oh so hot TAKES that you know will follow this. Let’s wait to hear all the facts and then jump into outrage mode, one way or the other.

Everyone he got seemed to be rising young talent who he developed. This only changed in his later years, really.

Gotta have that fall guy around you at all times. Murders are a tricky thing, and gentlemen never go about the business ostentatiously.

Well, at least they were helpful enough to give directions. That is a touch that is often missing in these modern times.

Not really that different, though. Nelson is more about running vertical routes, however, both guys make livings out of quick hitches and curls on third downs. The only true difference is that Nelson does not get bubble screens that Welker does.

He needs no credibility. He is the NFL’s fall guy and does a good job at it. He takes all the heat for other people doing stupid shit and making bad or exploitative decisions.