
He will get fragged.

Jack Johnson.

This is up there with New Coke.

The name Big Game Bob was given to him for maybe his first few years at OU. Its now more of a sarcastic insult because he is well known as the guy who chokes away the big game.

My fond memories were when for some reason, Arizona was in the NFC East. I have had Giants season tickets since 1997, and I remember that we’d always play Arizona when it was freezing outside and usually beat them, even if the Giants sucked that year, mostly because Arizona looked like they’d rather be anywhere else.

I think Oakland is a bit more in the right with this. Davis is not incredibly rich, just moderately rich, and has no real attachment to Oakland, and is a SHITHOLE that is an embarrassment to the NFL and the Raiders and it makes them nncompetitive in free agency.

He does deserve decent money, though. Last season he had almost 4500 yds, 30 TDs, and a 64% Completion rate. And he likely will only get better with Cruz back in the lineup provided the offensive line does not collapse.

Tebow wearing a red jersey in practice probably had something to do with it. You just wanna fucking massacre that guy but you can’t, so you kill some random fucker in the street instead.

It does, as long as the bull had not been intentionally drugged by outside sources in a way that would make it more likely to kill someone. Bullfighting is, much like other forms of animal related shenanigans, full of gambling related corruption and blood vendettas that lead to matadors being targeted by criminal

I actually heard that he told ESPN when he was leaving to not cover him so much and to just leave him alone because it was harming his chances at being an anonymous backup QB (and this is the best job ever- you get paid $675K to hold a clipboard).

I hate the Chargers for my own shallow reasons. My third football game I ever went to, and the first one the Giants lost, was the Iceball game back in I think 1995 when all of Giants Stadium, pissed at a shit product from a shit team losing to the fucking Chargers, chucked ice balls onto the field as the Chargers

Millionaires fighting over 600 bucks. Ridiculous.

Slave masters treated slaves like slaves, regardless of race. In fact, Irish slaves in the Caribbean were treated even worse than the Africans because they were cheaper and more plentiful, in addition to being Papists rather than just Heathens.

Despite the Giants winning 2 SuperBowls in my lifetime, the greatest moment I’ve ever had as a fan was still when we demolished the Vikings in the 2001 NFC Championship. I was at that game as a 12 year old, and it was as loud as Giants Stadium ever got, and the Vikings just seemed shellshocked to see our combination

I saw the game last night, and have been for weeks hearing all this buzz about Stefon Diggs.

“If you like your insurance, you can keep it.”

Giants fans be like, “ Not sure what to make of any of this. Lets just stay out of this one and go mock the Redskins.”

Cubs are fucking garbage. There is a reason the Cards own your asses and have done so for years. Not to mention your shitty fans (and don’t try to tell me otherwise; I’m part of the Best Fanbase in Baseball, I know better, you guys still deal with fucking porta potties), your bullpen is shakier than your crime rate

While this stuff sounds like moral peril, I can kind of relate from the standpoint that this is basically how I remember college being.

But... but... what about the special snowflake genders?