
Dom Moore has more than picked up the slack on faceoffs. Boyle would help, though.

Conspiracy theory: Jezebel is behind this.

Thats gotta be more than a few years ago. That is like 3 ESPN broadcast presentations back in terms of the scoreboard they use. This looks like the same time when CBS used to have that blue square in the corner and the NFL Network did not exist.

I legitimately would just give up if I was a fan. I sat through the Isiah era as a Knicks fan and I can’t remember a punch in the dick like this ever happening.

Catholics used to be burned alive in their churches by the Know Nothings and later on, were targeted by the Klan.

I love that team, not because of them, but because of their fans. Their fans rock.

Be honest, who didn’t initially see the headline as Tony Soprano and immediately think that some rat bastard was whacked by Tony and some Raiders players?

Okay, sure, so fine him. Take some money from the guy. This is about thirty levels lower on the cheating scale than PED use. So hit him with something appropriate. Take a few grand from the guy and fine or fire the equipment people as well. Yeah, he broke a rule, and his punishment should be something that matches

I love Sepp Blatter. This guy is just one soundbyte after another of being an asshole and a hypocrite and he probably doesn’t even know that anyone thinks this. I’d love to be able to live a life like that asshole.

Of fucking course the Giants fumble more than anyone else.

Okay, but so the fuck what. Slap Brady and the equipment people with a moderate fine and move on. That is all this warrants.

Dude is a sanctimonious liberal douche. Good at his job. But a liberal douche nonetheless.

Oh the SJW hot takes. Keep ‘em hot and keep ‘em coming. Fight that war for social justice.

Jezebel is not going to be happy about this. Then again, the faux outrage will spread anyways. If it was a girl tossing a guy, I think it goes by unnoticed.

Rich people problems.

Nope, I think Black has a lot to do with it. God forbid White America have to deal with a loud and successful Black man demonstrating aspects of his culture that they are uncomfortable with.

20 million? Fucking ridiculous. Mayweather benefited MORE from looking like an asshole. Had he gone full heel, he might have made even more money. His ego didn’t allow that. But Mayweather being a “nice” guy had NOTHING to do with the payday of the fight.

This bro actually does seem to understand some interesting psychological tics of people and presentation and communication skills. What is sad is that he is using that to be an asshole and try to get other people who are likely just normal male (or maybe even female) teenagers to also be assholes.

I find that offensive. Sorry to be a killjoy, but still.

Yes, because punching a man is soooo much worse, right? Stop treating us like your precious angels and playing the white knight. Its irritating. I doubt that your average male could defend themselves against an aggressive punk like this guy, just like I, an average female, probably could not.