
Police do not ruin the life of a black man for something he probably did not do. Gets upset.

I actually like reading his column. I don’t care about who he is friends with but I’d like to read about football without the cynical hot takes for a change, and he supply that.

I feel like with PCP or whatever the fuck this was, taze first and ask questions later.

I love it when the dumbass media gets put in their place. They are just so awful sometimes and its about damn time someone does something about it.

Wow, NCAA wins again and enforces compliance with their bullshit rules. Great.

Beadle would probably randomly and publicly proposition him for sex. I mean, Aaron Rodgers showed some serious self control, but Matt Barnaby sure as hell didn’t.

Lol excuses. This seems awfully convenient.

Okay, that is fucking stupid. The scoring is done 10-9 when nobody scores a knockdown. 10 points is always scored with the round winner getting 10 points unless a violation or knockdown occurs. If Mayweather wins a round 10-8, it means he knocked the other guy over once.

The Rome similarities are eerie. Unwashed barbarian masses pouring across the border clamoring for Roman citizenship..... Nope, nothing like that in America.

While I am happy for these guys representing the US like this and winning, lets be honest, steroids.

Good. The two of them are horrible to listen to and more often than not, offer no valuable insight. Nichols asks the most ridiculous leading questions, and Beadle tries way too hard to be funny or right.

A war with NK might be an aero-naval affair and likely end with them either coming to terms or the Chinese simply rolling in and using THEIR methods for dealing with hostile populations.

Rape allegations he has been cleared criminally of. The point is that you’re really doing some mental jiujitsu here that is unnecessary. The dude is a moron, likely is not a rapist, and just like we don’t equate every time we hear the name “Ray Lewis” with alleged murder instead of talking about football, or how we

Redick was pretty big in that game too. I always find myself surprised by him, but he just fits really well into that offense.

Their Prime Minister is even worse. Dude is a straight up Stalinist fuck.

I really think they should have the GMs announce the pick. Goodell is a really bad public speaker and always butchers a name. Its just a bad idea for him to keep doing it. The dude should stay behind the scenes.

Yes, a successful black man exists, therefore society and the police are trying to tear him down.

You think I’d cop to being a Yankees fan if they weren’t a winner ?

You could say that about every criminal ever, though, and we don’t.

Racist black man hot takes. Cool. Expect a nauseating rant about how oppressive the white man is and the virtues of Floyd Mayweather.