
Yes. Race. Most BPD Cops, a majority of them, are black. I also think that the commissioner is black. Its been that way for about 20 years.

That is because the dumbfuck mayor decided that the animals needed “space to destroy” as a way to express their rights.

Its a ridiculous comparison done for selfish reasons. But Nazi propaganda was inherently classist and populist and really did target the Jews for their wealth. If it wasn’t a billionaire making that comparison, it would be taken more seriously.

The entire idea of this isn’t good to start with. Its going to be a site full of hot takes on race. Any good analysis they end up doing will just be a Grantland knock off. That is, unless they really do a good soccer or hockey type focus, which I doubt they will. Grantland is great for the NBA, Jalen, Simmons, and

The Cavs are deep, but without Love, they likely aren’t winning this unless LeBron goes into God Mode or D-Rose stops being the D-Rose of MVP form.

Internet Hot Take of the year, ladies and gentleman. Oh wait, is this not a YouTube Comment?

Fuck these race traitor bastards.

Why is there a need for a Black Grantland? Does Grantland not cover primarily black sports?

Nope, sorry. I know we’re all supposed to be tolerant and shit, but I can’t pretend to not find this weird.

Anthony Davis be like “so 29 pts and 15 boards isn’t enough for you imbeciles? I’ve gotta do everything around here? ”

There is nothing more douchy and self righteous on the internet than an open letter.

There is a difference between an official banner flag and what was most likely in that picture, a regimental flag or Corps HQ flag.

People who wear flat brim hats are not to be trusted. Its the universal sign for posers and bros.

Meh. There isn’t a wrong side. Dickbag Iranian backed Sectarian Genocidal rebels vs. an authoritarian but not genocidal government clinging to a port city vs. really authoritarian dickbags who used to run Yemen vs. the Saudis, who are kind of dicks but give us oil vs. the Iranians, who are Holocaust denying dicks; all

We also have a Communist party. Of course, seeing as how a centralized planned economy has been proven time and again to be an utter failure of a model, its not all that popular. Also, there are like 30 of them. The difference between the Socialist Workers Party and the Revolutionary Workers Party and the Communist

I do feel a bit uncomfortable with the sale. What the guy said was perhaps getting a bit too real and honest, and was insensitive, but I’m not sure you can equate it to why the Clippers were sold.

So because they don’t ask about his criminal history, they are carrying his water?

I guess people who don’t assault others and exhibit disorderly conduct.

Honestly, I think that they should be having the teams do the payoffs instead of the league. Having it more decentralized means more money for the players and less of a finalized settlement that is unresponsive to breaking developments.

Yeah, Hooters is pretty bad in almost every part of their menu except the wings just because it feels like they aren’t trying to burn your mouth off. Too many places do that, and its pointless.