
There is a lot you can say about Goodell having no clue what he is doing or that he is just a really dumb person. But goddamn does he know how to make the NFL money. If he didn’t, he’d have been tossed by now.

Sounds like nobody really knows what the fuck happened. Then again, its not like Wisconsin lost the game on this call anyways.

He’s really funny and talented, and probably is resposnible for more web traffic to Kinja sites than anyone else with his Why Your Team Sucks series.

I know people will say he is tanking, but when you tank, its supposed to be a quiet effort of futility that still builds for the future.

I particularly remember Gary Williams hamstringing himself in his last years at Maryland because he wouldn’t play the AAU game like everyone else was, and it bit him in the ass. He always got the most out of his guys, as he was a brilliant tactician, but he was not getting top recruits and his teams weren’t seriously

His ACTs were low, and East Coast schools don’t need ACTs but rather SATs. But Maryland traditionally has kind of had issues with getting approval for letting in guys who have poor academics. They could have had Trayvon Reed, Lance Stephenson, and others over the years and frequently the university would step in and

Still, Belichick kind of proves this to an extent.

I do think this is spot on. Look, I’ll admit it, I really don’t care what someone is like in real life, provided they don’t prove a danger to their coworkers and employers, but with Rice, you have a running back past his prime and seemingly lost a step, and that is all I need to hear to definitively shut the door.

Because to do that, we would have to be fair and acknowledge that Tyus and Jahlil are also terrible names.

McDonogh’s lacrosse team is the absolute shit. I mean, my high school was pretty good, and we thought we had a chance going into the game, but they just took us apart.

Mason Plumlee was actually just a physical beast at Duke, and its the reason why his NBA career seems to be coming along just fine. He wasn’t your typical Paulus/McRoberts/Scheyer/Wojo type of Duke player.

What is so bad about having a name like Grayson? Its like judging people based on their name being LaFonda or Deandre.

Racist assholes, of all races, are all around us. But I have noticed that a lot of hate goes towards guys like this, white guys who do well in a sport where they are a minority, and a lot of it comes from generally liberal white people who see them as scions of privilege who are successful. Its very stupid, but it

Suprisingly, Redick seems to be a pretty chill guy. He was so hateable at Duke, had that sordid business with the celebrity chasing girlfriend, but lately, he’s been playing really well, and had a cool podcast interview with Zack Lowe that I’d advise checking out. I’m guessing that being a professional for a while and

I think some solid evidence for the theory about English views on performance has to come from Wayne Rooney's evolution. He is now a more complete player than perhaps at any point in his career, and was turned into a solidly efficient and consistent forward after starting as a volatile undisciplined striker. But

As a 36 yr old kicker, he could reasonably play 10 more years, maybe more, most likely less. An NFL kicker, if they are good, make about $1 Million, and if more close to mediocre, like Tynes, make a lot less, probably between 500K to 750K. If they are on a team like the Giants, who for years overpaid Tynes, he makes a

I suppose you have proof for this?

The Deadspin coefficient states that the more white people there are in some sports team, and the more white fans there are, the more Deadspin will revile that team or organization.

Nomnomnomnomnom on all the salty tears. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha.

Oh the salt in this. Yes, scripted sports entertainment is comparable to a tight basketball game.