
Well, there was the Wisconsin Homer network you could have watched.

If my religion encouraged me to not approve of that suit and deny him service, I'd prosleytize like nobody's business.

An NFL Kicker would not be making 35 Million. I think he could get something from the Bucs, as it would be clear that this affected his ability to kick, but 35 Million is not nearly reasonable.

I actually think this makes sense in a way. A Ronda Rousey book likely won’t be an impulse buy like most of the books Walmart displays in store, but rather catered to a very specific demographic and it makes statistically sense to do it this way.

If you think about it, though, it would prevent repeat offenders. It may not be able to physically stop crime, but it would make sure that the criminal in question would not get away with it. Of course, the thing about laws is that they are meant to be broken. The reason America has such a huge prison population is

The job of anyone recruiting is to get people interested, but I don't see why someone's socioeconomic status should matter, as nobody has to actually sign up, and you can specifically put on school tax and liability forms not to be contacted by military recruiters.

It seems clear to me that the decision to bump Rooney to Captain was a good one.

Because if it was on Jezebel, we'd have to read some spew about all the oppressed women in the video, and if it was on Gawker, we'd have to read HamNo's hot take on why capitalism is bad.

This guy is basically Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob, then.

I hope he somehow ends up on the Yankees and he and A-Rod go on to have a Mattingly vs. Winfield type of season where they are both superstars.

I mean, I suppose its possible that he just works out a lot.

People may rag on this, but if someone is actually genuinely excited about something rather than being a cynical internet douche, good for them.

Oh boy, time for the hot takes.

Well, I thought that I had, but thanks a lot, you fucking dick.

I'd say we need to get the Canadians and British to start production on them. If they are going to continue to shirk defense, they could at least help out with production,

I think that the issue with the Pao case was that she had some serious sketchiness about both her version of events as well as the reason for her filing suit in the firstplace that was quite convenient and suspicious.

Who wants to sex Chris Jans?

Seems about par for the course for Native American politicians.

He kind of goes without saying. There really is nothing as douchey as him in the NHL. Not even Blackhawk fans (Vince Vaughn and CM Punk. Fuck off.) or Sean “Sloppy Seconds” Avery.

Not really. The dude has slew footed more people than almost anyone in the league, he hits way late and dangerously boards people, blatantly elbows and fore arm shots people in the head (still, in the age of us knowing about concussions, this fucker still does this), and is a chronic diver (almost as bad as Crosby).